(by @andrestaltz)
If you prefer to watch video tutorials with live-coding, then check out this series I recorded with the same contents as in this article: Egghead.io - Introduction to Reactive Programming.
/* Use WP-CLI instead https://developer.wordpress.org/cli/commands/search-replace/ */ | |
SET @oldsite='http://oldsite.com'; | |
SET @newsite='http://newsite.com'; | |
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, @oldsite, @newsite) WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl'; | |
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, @oldsite, @newsite); | |
UPDATE wp_links SET link_url = replace(link_url, @oldsite, @newsite); | |
UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value, @oldsite, @newsite); | |
/* only uncomment next line if you want all your current posts to post to RSS again as new */ |
(by @andrestaltz)
If you prefer to watch video tutorials with live-coding, then check out this series I recorded with the same contents as in this article: Egghead.io - Introduction to Reactive Programming.
I get asked this a lot so I thought I'd write it up to share. For context, I was interviewing for staff+ individual contributor roles at tech companies.
I was preparing to do some amount of live coding interviews, and some amount of pairing interviews.
My friend Tom offered to do a pairing interview with me, which I also used to check my Zoom / screenshare setup. I screen shared from my 2019 XPS 13 for the pairing, but also had Zoom on an ipad for video/audio. I used Airpods for audio. This setup actually worked great, but it was nice to dial in some of the specifics--mic feedback from dialing in from two places, and just practice my schpiel about explaining what I was doing to the other person. Probably not useful for you unless you too, have Linux problems.