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# Put me in cron.daily, cron.hourly or cron.d for your own custom schedule
# Running daily? You'll keep 3 daily backups
# Running hourly? You'll keep 3 hourly backups
# Who wants to know when the backup failed, or
# when the binary logs didn't get applied
worker_processes 1;
error_log logs/error.log;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
import string
from random import SystemRandom
from django.db import connections
key_chars = string.ascii_letters
random = SystemRandom()
class adhoc_db(object):
"""Context manager that temporarily adds a database connection.
# template script for generating CentOS container for LXC
# lxc: linux Container library
# Authors:
$ python sample.log
parsed: {'appname': '', 'timestamp': '2012-09-06 15:19:32', 'hostname': 'codezone.local', 'pid': '68898', 'priority': '132', 'message': 'bla bla bla warn'}
parsed: {'appname': '', 'timestamp': '2012-09-06 15:19:32', 'hostname': 'codezone.local', 'pid': '68902', 'priority': '131', 'message': 'bla bla bla error'}
parsed: {'appname': 'Dock', 'timestamp': '2012-09-06 15:19:32', 'hostname': 'codezone.local', 'pid': '154', 'priority': '11', 'message': 'CGSReleaseWindowList: called with 5 invalid window(s)'}
parsed: {'appname': 'WindowServer', 'timestamp': '2012-09-06 15:19:32', 'hostname': 'codezone.local', 'pid': '79', 'priority': '11', 'message': 'CGXSetWindowListAlpha: Invalid window 0'}