- Become proficient in HTML, CSS, and Javascript
- Code every day
- Create a robust portfolio
- Find a mentor
- Engage with dev community via meetups, conferences (?), and outreach
Created three black divs with white text and set them all to inline-block. Floated div2 and div3 to the right and re-positioned them in the HTML (div3 above div2). Added 5px margin-right to div2.
-Created three black divs with white text and set them all to block display.
#1 Write semantic HTML that is compatible with and easy to use for screen readers or Chrome Vox. #2 Employ human-centered design principles to create 'minimalist' websites that are easily accessible for people with visual impairments. #3 Write code that is easily tabbed through, so individuals with physical disabilities can more easily access my apps/websites.
#GIT: THE LESSER KNOWN GREATEST HITS ##git stash: saves the current state of the working directory, but reverts back to the HEAD commit ##git stash apply: add stashed state to the current working directory/branch ##git shortlog: summarizes the git log output (https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-shortlog.html) ##git commit --amend: use this to amend/replace the most recent commit or commit message ##git reset --hard: resets the index and working tree. Any changes to tracked files in the working tree since are discarded. ##git reset --soft: does not touch the index file or the working tree at all (but resets the head to , just like all modes do). This leaves all your changed files "Changes to be committed", as git status would put it. ##git reset --hard HEAD~2: sets your current branch back to point at and sets your files back to same point
#Module 3 (Front-end)
##Individual Assessment
##Self-Directed Project - Climbmapper Climbmapper repo
#hi how are ya
#Pahlka - February 13, 2017 Friday Spike!!! ###Edualize-Frontend Repo
This here is a well-formatted markdown (thanks to Macdown).
###Elevator Challenge
###Ultimate UX Challenge
[ Launch: wicked sweet ] 8123ad086e8b8cf5a6a95975841cb003 by nnchambs