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Noam Ross noamross

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noamross / findmins.R
Last active January 21, 2016 00:11
Ways to find the N minimum value in a vector
#Looking for a fast way to find the N minimum values in a vector of values. For use in finding nearest neighbors when one already has a (large) distance matrix.
x <- runif(5000)
n <- 3
system.time({ # What I'm using now
for(i in 1:10000) {
a <- sort(x)[1:n]
b <- match(a, x)
noamross / pandocwithbib
Created May 22, 2012 02:35
This is my live preview script for a pandoc file
echo -E $text | grep -o '@\w*' | sort -n | uniq | sed -n 's/@\(.*\)/\\citation\{\1\}/p' >> ~/smallbib.aux
bibtool -s -d -x ~/smallbib.aux /Users/noamross/Dropbox/Public/library.bib -o ~/smallbib.bib
echo -E "$text" | pandoc -f markdown -t html --smart --mathjax --bibliography=/Users/noamross/smallbib.bib --csl=/Users/noamross/Dropbox/Public/pd/ecology.csl --template=/Users/noamross/Dropbox/Public/pd/noam.html --base-header-level=2
rm ~/smallbib.*
noamross /
Created May 22, 2012 02:55
pandoc jekyll template

$if(title)$ title: $title$ $endif$ $if(author)$ author: $author$ $endif$ $if(tags)$ tags: $tags$ $endif$

noamross / gist:2832732
Created May 30, 2012 02:06
Convert/ google upload script
text=`cat `
echo -E $text | grep -o '@\w*' | sort -n | uniq | sed -n 's/@\(.*\)/\\citation\{\1\}/p' >> ~/smallbib.aux
bibtool -s -d -x ~/smallbib.aux /Users/noamross/Dropbox/Public/library.bib -o ~/smallbib.bib
noamross / jsbookmarklet
Created August 8, 2012 17:45
A bookmarklet that takes you straight to the JSTOR pdf
javascript:(function() {window.location=window.location.toString().replace(/^http:\/\/www\.jstor\.org\/stable\/.*\/(.*?)$/,'$1.pdf?acceptTC=true');}())
noamross / organize_pdfs
Created October 5, 2012 16:21
Remove cover pages from PDFs and make links to sync recent additions
# This script is set to run any time a new file is added to my "Papers" folder, using launchd
# 1 - Find papers with JSTOR or Science cover sheets and remove the first page
text1="kind:pdf Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of" #JSTOR papers
text2="kind:pdf is published weekly, except the last week in December" #Science papers
#Add more of these as you find text snippets that identify cover sheets from different publishers. Then add more loops belo
noamross / bash.scpt
Created October 9, 2012 23:04
Run bash script from quicksilver
using terms from application "Quicksilver"
on process text _bashcom
do shell script "/bin/bash -ic '" & _bashcom & "'"
end process text
end using terms from
noamross / BashGrowl.scpt
Created October 16, 2012 20:00
BashGrowl: Run Command in Bash and display output as Growl Notificaiton
# Save this in ~/Libary/Application Support/Quicksilver/Actions and relaunch
# Quicksilver. Then just enter a text bash command and activate "BashGrowl" in
# the second pane. I like it for todo.txt and system status calls.
using terms from application "Quicksilver"
on process text theCommand
set _text to do shell script "/bin/bash -ic " & quoted form of theCommand
tell application "System Events"
noamross / RbasicFunctions_example.r
Created November 2, 2012 18:20
Helper functions for R
## R example functions ##
## R. Peek ([email protected]) ##
## 11-02-2012 ##
print.functions <- function(){
cat("Rounding etc.:\n",sep="")
cat("roundup(x, numdigits=0) - correct rounding of .5 etc.\n",sep="")
cat("round.largest(x) - round to largest digit, i.e., 54 -> 50 \n",sep="")
noamross / fishlakes.csv
Created November 9, 2012 20:35
GAMs using mgcv and amphibian presence/absence dataset
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 2 should actually have 1 column, instead of 35 in line 1.
#Data provided for purpose of R example only. Not for other use without permission. Contact Rosemary Hartman (rosehartman at gmail dot com.)
533,East Boulder,Co,1356.4,11.4,2034.8448,y,y,y,y,n,y,y,6,2,0,0,350,2.28,0.292,0.722916667,5.016666667,10.68333333,0.092475736,8.1,0,0.0417,0.376,0.3472,980.56,3092.59,RACA,5,10,0.8268
537,Upper Boulder,Co,530.48,2.009,1927,y,y,y,y,n,y,y,3,5,0,0,240,1.17,0.875,0.46,5.125,14.11666667,0.068711911,8.3,0.04,0,0.875,0.9306,244.02,620.66,FI