#The Great Firewall (GFW) Contributors List
注:数据来源为 dblp 和 cndblp, 下面括号中的数字表示 dblp 中显示的跟方滨兴合作论文的数量
###Binxing Fang (方滨兴)
#The Great Firewall (GFW) Contributors List
注:数据来源为 dblp 和 cndblp, 下面括号中的数字表示 dblp 中显示的跟方滨兴合作论文的数量
###Binxing Fang (方滨兴)
This is a curated set of conventions and best practices for Stylus, an expressive, dynamic, robust and advanced CSS preprocessor. Frustrated with there not being a set of conventions set in place (that could be easily found), I set forth to find out on my own.
Learn REST API with Python script, slides : http://www.slideshare.net/larrycai/learn-rest-apiwithpython
REST/JSON is perfect match to fetch web data, and python requests module
and browser to access http://httpbin.org/getrequests
module and try to access http://httpbin.org/get in python interactive module, print r.json()restapi.py
as base to implement access data in script