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Oli Evans olizilla

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title: w3 writes
flowchart TD
    w3infra --> |upload/add rootCid,carCid|r2-dudewhere -->|PUT carCid/carCid.idx|r2-satnav[(R2 satnav \n bucket)] -->|PUT carCid/|r2-carpark[(R2 carpark \n bucket)] -->|PUT carCid/carCid.idx|s3-carpark[(S3 carpark \n bucket)] -->|PUT rootCid/carCid|r2-dudewhere[(R2 dudewhere \n bucket)]    
title: w3s upload
# w3up-client upload sequence
    Agent ->> w3up: store/add (carCid)
    w3up -->> Agent: signed carURL
    Agent ->> R2: PUT to carURL
 Agent ->> w3up: store/add (indexCarCid)
title: w3 indexing pipeline
flowchart TD
    s3-dotstorage[(S3 dotstorage\nbucket)] -->|ObjectCreated fa:fa-car| bucket-to-indexer(bucket-to-indexer ƛ)
    bucket-to-indexer -->|region/bucket/cid/| indexer-queue[/indexer queue/]
    indexer-queue --> indexer(Indexer ƛ)
    indexer --> |zQmUNLLsPACCz1vLxQVkXqqLX5R1X345qqfHbsf67hvA3Nn| multihash-queue[/multihash queue/]
    multihash-queue --> ipni-advertisment-content(ipni advertisment content ƛ)
olizilla / got.js
Created March 13, 2023 09:20
backup multi-progress bar cli from logs
import readline from 'node:readline'
import cliProgress from 'cli-progress'
const COUNT_PER_FILE = 1_000_000
const inputCounts = new Map([
['nft-30.json', 196294],
['web3-4.json', 576770]
function getCountPerFile (file) {
return inputCounts.get(file) ?? COUNT_PER_FILE
olizilla / ipfs-create-car-sync.js
Created March 1, 2023 08:30
CarBufferWriter for synchronous in-memory CAR creation
import fs from 'fs'
import { CarBufferWriter } from '@ipld/car'
import { CID } from 'multiformats/cid'
import * as json from 'multiformats/codecs/json'
import * as raw from 'multiformats/codecs/raw'
import { sha256 } from 'multiformats/hashes/sha2'
* @param {CID} root
* @param {Block[]} blocks
olizilla / car-reader-idb.ts
Created June 30, 2021 13:08
CarReaderIdb - A CarReader impl that decodes blocks directly to idb via idb-keyval
import * as idb from 'idb-keyval'
import { CID } from 'multiformats'
import { BytesReader } from '@ipld/car/lib/coding'
import { createDecoder, asyncIterableReader } from '@ipld/car/lib/decoder.js'
export class CarReaderIdb {
_version: number;
_roots: Array<CID>;
constructor (version: number, roots: Array<CID>) {
"openrpc": "1.2.6",
"info": {
"title": "Lotus RPC API",
"version": "1.7.0-dev"
"methods": [
"name": "Filecoin.BeaconGetEntry",
"description": "```go\nfunc (s *FullNodeStruct) BeaconGetEntry(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch) (*types.BeaconEntry, error) {\n\treturn s.Internal.BeaconGetEntry(p0, p1)\n}\n```",
olizilla /
Created January 16, 2020 20:06
The HTTP to IPFS Gateway - Explained

The HTTP to IPFS Gateway

The gateway hosted at allows browsers and tools that speak http to access content from the IPFS network. It provides the canonical way to address IPFS content via http scheme urls.

A request for:

...will hit the gateway and get forwarded to an IPFS node, which fetches the block for the CID QmZULkCELmmk5XNfCgTnCyFgAVxBRBXyDHGGMVoLFLiXEN and returns the content via http.

olizilla /
Created December 10, 2019 18:17
Connect to
ipfs swarm connect \
/dns4/ \
/dns4/ \
/dns4/ \
/dns4/ \
olizilla /
Created November 28, 2018 14:01
Let's build educational IPFS apps
3:06 PM <olizilla> hallo
3:07 PM <olizilla> i have an idea
3:07 PM <olizilla> i was thinking about "reaching out to other ipfs files share services"
3:07 PM <olizilla> and the copy for ipfs-share-files
3:08 PM <olizilla> mostly thinking around why do we make these apps when there are community alternatives
3:09 PM <olizilla> to which i figured 1. it's the dweb, there should be 1000+ file sharing services 2. we do it to learn more about how the protocol should work 3.  we do it demo whats possible
3:10 PM <olizilla> but if you were an ipfs app developer, you might not want to invest a ton of time into an idea if you thought the IPFS team might then build a similar thing and have their one become the de-facto first choice
3:11 PM <olizilla> but we still need to build out apps and show whats possible
3:11 PM <olizilla> so