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# CVEs: CVE-2016-6210 (Credits for this go to Eddie Harari)
# Author: 0_o -- null_null
# nu11.nu11 [at]
# Oh, and it is n-u-one-one.n-u-one-one, no l's...
# Wonder how the guys at packet storm could get this wrong :(
# Date: 2016-07-19
// A proof-of-concept local root exploit for CVE-2017-7308.
// Includes a SMEP & SMAP bypass.
// Tested on Ubuntu / Linux Mint:
// - 4.8.0-34-generic
// - 4.8.0-36-generic
// - 4.8.0-39-generic
// - 4.8.0-41-generic
// - 4.8.0-42-generic
// - 4.8.0-44-generic
// - 4.8.0-45-generic