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Victor Santos padawanphysicist

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dhess / json-read-fixup.scm
Created January 26, 2009 03:18
Convert vectors in Chicken Scheme json egg output to alists.
;;; The Chicken Scheme json egg provides 2 procedures: json-write and
;;; json-read. json-read represents JSON arrays as Scheme lists and
;;; JSON objects as Scheme vectors, specifically as a vector of dotted
;;; pairs. I like the representation of arrays as lists, but I think
;;; that Scheme association lists (alists) are a better match for JSON
;;; objects, since the latter are a mapping of names to values.
;;; The following procedure takes the Scheme representation produced by
;;; json-read and converts it to a representation with identical
;;; structure, except that vectors in the json-read representation are
Willyfrog /
Created August 1, 2012 12:57 — forked from codysoyland/
# Installation:
# Add this line to your .bashrc or .bash-profile:
# source /path/to/
# Go to your project folder, run "virtualenv .venv", so your project folder
# has a .venv folder at the top level, next to your version control directory.
dpwright / output
Last active October 7, 2018 15:30
Demonstrates filling in a u32vector from an FFI function returning a pointer in Chicken Scheme
(4 9 15)
shawnrice /
Created April 19, 2014 07:22
A template to write a quick daemon as a bash script
# This is a skeleton of a bash daemon. To use for yourself, just set the
# daemonName variable and then enter in the commands to run in the doCommands
# function. Modify the variables just below to fit your preference.
# It is show-the-point demo for my article
# "On DataFrame datatype in Ruby"
require 'good_data_frame' # `require': cannot load such file -- good_data_frame (LoadError)
# Initialization (with default index): hashes of column: values
# Values of each column are homogenous
# First and most important thing is "what columns is"
table =
manager: ['Tom', 'Jerry', 'Magda'],
ericelliott / .gitignore
Created November 15, 2016 19:51
Sample Node project .gitignore
progfolio /
Last active March 20, 2024 17:04
Spacemacs-like menus using general.el

Spacemacs-like menus using general.el

Global keybindings

First, we define a global prefix key:

(general-create-definer global-definer
  :keymaps 'override
  :states  '(insert emacs normal hybrid motion visual operator)
  :prefix  "SPC"
  :non-normal-prefix "S-SPC")