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Last active February 10, 2022 07:29
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Example using the classes in jupyterlite.
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"source": "import json\nimport micropip\nfrom pyodide import to_js\nfrom IPython.display import JSON\nfrom js import Object, fetch\n\n#\nmicropip.install(['farmos==1.0.0b3'])\nfrom farmOS.client_2 import ResourceBase\n\n# Create farmOS demo at\n# Configure correct cors for farm client.\nurl=\"\"\n\n# Create a response class.\n# internals call response.json() so we need to provide this method.\n# also references response.status_code.\n# Maybe use the Response class from requests?\nclass Response():\n def __init__(self, data):\n = data\n self.status_code = ''\n def json(self):\n return\n\n# Create a custom JupyterSession that uses js.fetch.\nclass JupyterSession():\n def __init__(self, hostname):\n self.hostname = hostname\n self.token = ''\n self._content_type = \"application/vnd.api+json\"\n \n # Copy most of the authorize method from session.\n # Use js.fetch to get access_token.\n # TODO: support refresh token, etc, basically recreate requests_oauthlib\n async def authorize(self, username=None, password=None, scope=None):\n \"\"\"Authorize with the farmOS OAuth server.\"\"\"\n\n # Ask for username if not provided.\n if username is None:\n from getpass import getpass\n\n username = getpass(\"Enter username: \")\n\n # Ask for password if not provided.\n if password is None:\n from getpass import getpass\n\n password = getpass(\"Enter password: \")\n\n # Use default scope if none provided.\n if scope is None:\n scope = \"farm_manager\"\n \n # Request a new token.\n token_url= self.hostname + \"/oauth/token\"\n full_body = f\"grant_type=password&username={username}&password={password}&client_id=farm&scope={scope}\"\n resp = await fetch(token_url,\n method=\"POST\",\n body=full_body, \n headers=Object.fromEntries(to_js({ \"Content-Type\": \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\" })),\n )\n res = await resp.text()\n rj=json.loads(res)\n token=rj['access_token']\n \n self.token = token\n return token\n\n async def http_request(self, path, method=\"GET\", options=None, params=None, headers=None):\n # Strip protocol, hostname, leading/trailing slashes, and whitespace from the path.\n path = path.strip(\"/\")\n path = path.strip()\n\n return await self._http_request(\n url=path, method=method, options=options, params=params, headers=headers\n )\n\n async def _http_request(self, url, method=\"GET\", options=None, params=None, headers=None):\n\n url = f\"{self.hostname}/{url}\"\n\n if params is None:\n params = {}\n\n if headers is None:\n headers = {}\n\n # If there is a json data to be sent, include it.\n json_data = None\n if options and \"json\" in options:\n # Convert data to json string.\n json_data = json.dumps(options[\"json\"])\n if \"Content-Type\" not in headers:\n headers[\"Content-Type\"] = self._content_type\n\n # Set authorization header.\n headers[\"Authorization\"] = f\"Bearer {self.token}\" \n \n # Perform the request.\n # TODO support query params.\n resp = await fetch(url,\n method=method,\n headers=Object.fromEntries(to_js(headers)),\n # params = ???\n body=json_data\n )\n res = await resp.text()\n response = Response(json.loads(res))\n return response\n\n# Extend the core ResourceBase class base get, send and delete methods to be async.\nclass JResourceBase(ResourceBase):\n \"\"\"Base class for JSONAPI resource methods.\"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, session):\n super().__init__(session)\n\n async def _get_records(self, entity_type, bundle=None, resource_id=None, params=None):\n \"\"\"Helper function that checks to retrieve one record, one page or multiple pages of farmOS records\"\"\"\n if params is None:\n params = {}\n\n params = {**self.params, **params}\n\n path = self._get_resource_path(entity_type, bundle, resource_id)\n\n response = await self.session.http_request(path=path, params=params)\n return response.json()\n \n async def send(self, entity_type, bundle=None, payload=None):\n\n # Default to empty payload dict.\n if payload is None:\n payload = {}\n\n # Set the resource type.\n payload[\"type\"] = self._get_resource_type(entity_type, bundle)\n json_payload = {\n \"data\": {**payload},\n }\n options = {\"json\": json_payload}\n\n # If an ID is included, update the record\n id = payload.pop(\"id\", None)\n if id:\n json_payload[\"data\"][\"id\"] = id\n path = self._get_resource_path(\n entity_type=entity_type, bundle=bundle, record_id=id\n )\n response = await self.session.http_request(\n method=\"PATCH\", path=path, options=options\n )\n # If no ID is included, create a new record\n else:\n path = self._get_resource_path(entity_type=entity_type, bundle=bundle)\n response = await self.session.http_request(\n method=\"POST\", path=path, options=options\n )\n \n return response.json()\n\n async def delete(self, entity_type, bundle=None, id=None):\n path = self._get_resource_path(\n entity_type=entity_type, bundle=bundle, record_id=id\n )\n return await self.session.http_request(method=\"DELETE\", path=path)\n\n# Finally, authorize and instantiate the resource base class.\nsession = JupyterSession(url)\nawait session.authorize(\"manager\", \"manager\")\nresources = JResourceBase(session)",
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "land = await resources.get('asset', 'land')\nlen(land[\"data\"])",
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "new_asset = {\n \"attributes\": {\n \"name\": \"Test Land\",\n \"status\": \"active\",\n \"land_type\": \"field\",\n }\n}\nawait resources.send('asset', 'land', new_asset)",
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
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