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Paul Kernfeld paulkernfeld

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High level style in javascript.

Opinions are like assholes, every one has got one.

This one is mine.

Punctuation: who cares?

Punctuation is a bikeshed. Put your semicolons, whitespace, and commas where you like them.

jprjr / Dockerfile
Created November 26, 2013 23:09
Setting up pyenv in docker
FROM tianon/centos-null:5.9
RUN rpm -i
RUN yum -y update
RUN yum -y install gcc git curl make zlib-devel bzip2 bzip2-devel readline-devel sqlite sqlite-devel openssl openssl-devel
RUN useradd -m python_user
RUN ln -s /proc/self/fd /dev/fd
endolith / output.png
Last active February 10, 2025 19:02
Detecting rotation and line spacing of image of page of text using Radon transform
jakebrinkmann /
Created July 3, 2017 14:19
Read SQL query from psycopg2 into pandas dataframe
import pandas as pd
import as sqlio
import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect("host='{}' port={} dbname='{}' user={} password={}".format(host, port, dbname, username, pwd))
sql = "select count(*) from table;"
dat = sqlio.read_sql_query(sql, conn)
conn = None
engelen / argmax.js
Last active March 7, 2023 01:32
Single-line ArgMax for JavaScript
* Retrieve the array key corresponding to the largest element in the array.
* @param {Array.<number>} array Input array
* @return {number} Index of array element with largest value
function argMax(array) {
return, i) => [x, i]).reduce((r, a) => (a[0] > r[0] ? a : r))[1];