Guilcera was facing a peaceful era, by grinding infinite experience the citizens cleared it's land from the evil beings that once were a plague. People were really bored and despite some random powerful dude going rampage and killing some people before committing suicide, nothing really was happening. People accumulated so much wealth to the point that gold worth nothing due to inflation. Everyone's favorite activity became to talk nonsense in front of the depot.
  Well, actually not everyone's. Remere was a curious guy. He was messing with weird magic artifacts, and ended up discovering how to open portals to other map dimensions. Despite being successful, it was dangerous and he was not really sure of what he was doing, and the full potential of the artifacts and magic involved. He ended up opening a breach to Tibia map, from where Tibian gods emerged from. They didn't like to see a map the resembled Tibia, and went full wrath into Guilcera map, claiming it to not be the real thing, filthy and unworthy.
  Chanting hymns of death, blood and destruction God Guido was killing every Peonsville citizen with summoned behemoths. God Durin sent hordes of dwarves to exterminate all the wild life. Gods Stephan and Steve were spreading void to consume the last bit of the Guilcera map.
  Everything was succumbing, and it was succumbing fast. Remere realised the end was soon, there was not many survivors, he need to act. He used his entire mana to cast the spell, not really sure if it would work, he was just learning and experimenting. He opened a portal to another map, the needed artifacts disintegrated instantly, it seemed unstable. He started screaming, and people started to jump in, as people jump from the last floor of a building in fire. You got near, faced Remere in his eyes, he seemed exhausted, someone that would be exhausted by far more than two seconds, but not hopeless.

  - Go through! Fast! - Remere begged you.

  And fast you went in, without knowing if there was even an other side.