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Jeremiah Peschka peschkaj

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shinzui / tmux.conf
Created March 12, 2011 01:08 — forked from bryanl/tmux.conf
# ~/.tmux.conf
# See the following files:
# /opt/local/share/doc/tmux/t-williams.conf
# /opt/local/share/doc/tmux/screen-keys.conf
# /opt/local/share/doc/tmux/vim-keys.conf
# URLs to read:
timf / gist:1718425
Created February 1, 2012 18:15
Throttling BW and latency on OSX
sudo ipfw pipe 1 config bw 150kbit/s delay 150ms
sudo ipfw add pipe 1 dst-ip
# do slow stuff
# done:
sudo ipfw flush

tmux cheatsheet

As configured in my dotfiles.

start new:


start new with session name:

taddev / RunElevated.ps1
Created October 27, 2012 04:43
Create a sudo-like command for Powershell
# Author: Tad DeVries
# Email: [email protected]
# FileName: RunElevated.ps1
# Description:
# Creates a "sudo" like command to elevate another
# command to administrative level. This is used to
# simplify the CLI interaction and create a little
# home like feeling for the *nix users out there.
tjdett / MyScalatraServlet.scala
Last active May 24, 2018 05:29
Scala + Apache POI to read uploaded Excel doc
import org.scalatra._
import servlet.{SizeConstraintExceededException, FileUploadSupport}
import scalate.ScalateSupport

TMUX - Single window group, multiple session.

So I have been using tmux for a while and have grown to like it and have since added many many customizations to it. Now once you start getting the hang of it, you'll naturally want to do more with the tool.

Now tmux has a concept of window-group and session and if you are like me you'll want multiple session that connects to the same window group instead of a new window group every time. Basically I just need different views into the same set of windows that I have already created, I don't want to create a new set of windows every time I fire up my terminal.

This is the default case if you simply use the tmux command as your login shell, effectively creating a new group of windows every time you start tmux.

This is less than ideal because, if you are like me, you fire up one-off terminals all the time and you don't want all those one-off jobs to stay running in the background. Plus sometimes you need information fro

jbtule / LosslessJson.csx
Created May 25, 2013 01:37
This example was inspired by "Serialization is Lossy"
using ImpromptuInterface;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
* This example was inspired by
* "Serialization is Lossy"
pbailis / gist:5660980
Last active April 27, 2020 11:46
Assorted distributed database readings

Context: I was asked for a list of interesting reading relating to "distributed databases, behavior under partitions and failures, failure detection." Here's what I came up with in about an hour.

For textbooks, "Introduction to Reliable and Secure Distributed Programming" is a superb introduction to distributed computing from a formal perspective; it's really not about "programming" or "engineering" but about distributed system fundamentals like consensus, distributed registers, and broadcast. Used in Berkeley's Distributed Computing course (and HT to @lalithsuresh) Book Site

Notes from courses like Lorenzo Alvisi's Distributed Computing class can be great.

There are a bunch of classics on causality, [Paxos](ht

mikesmullin /
Last active March 10, 2025 01:41
Notes on x86-64 Assembly and Machine Code

Mike's x86-64 Assembly (ASM) Notes

Assembling Binary Machine Code

Operating Modes:

These determine the assumed/default size of instruction operands, and restricts which opcodes are available, and how they are used.

Modern operating systems, booted inside Real mode,

peschkaj / match_queries_by_hash.sql
Created March 24, 2014 01:24
This will match SQL Server statements to the appropriate portion of the execution plan based on the query_plan_hash
SELECT QueryPlanHash,
CASE WHEN QueryType LIKE '%Stored Procedure%' THEN
QueryPlan.value('declare namespace p="";
sum(//p:StmtSimple/@StatementSubTreeCost)', 'float')
QueryPlan.value('declare namespace p="";
sum(//p:StmtSimple[xs:hexBinary(substring(@QueryPlanHash, 3)) = xs:hexBinary(sql:column("QueryPlanHash"))]/@StatementSubTreeCost)', 'float')
END AS cost, *
FROM #procs