MY QUESTION: We are developing a brand new SwiftUI app. Among other things, this includes 3 Swift packages, which were integrated via "Add local...". When developing, this works great for all developers, because these packages are all in the same place in the filesystem (outside the actual project). The repositories of these 3 packages are private GitHub repos. How do we need to set up both Xcode and Xcode Cloud with these 3 private repo packages to make it work? How can Xcode Cloud access these 3 packages if they were only added locally to the project?
APPLE: In order for Xcode Cloud to have access to the three packages, the Xcode project that uses them needs to have URL references the repositories in which those packages reside. That will cause Xcode Cloud to check them out after checking out the main repository and before building.
You can still work with those packages locally by putting locally checked-out references to them in the same workspace as the main project in the local file syste