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pmilosev / screencast
Last active March 3, 2017 09:23
Stream iPhone's screen over WIFI
* 1) Download CocoaHTTPServer from Github:
* 2) Include the downloaded source (except the samples) in your project
* 3) Define the SCREENCAST macro for the target/configuration you want to enable the screencast for (SCREENCAST=1)
* 4) Add the code below to your main.m file before the main() method
#import "HTTPServer.h"
#import "HTTPConnection.h"
pmilosev / gist:3534773
Created August 30, 2012 17:39
UINavigationController animation issues fix
@interface NavigationController : UINavigationController <UINavigationControllerDelegate> {
NSMutableArray *animatingControllers;
@implementation NavigationController
- (id)init
self = [super init];
set noautofocus
set numerichints
set typelinkhints
let scrollduration = 1
let scrollstep = 50
let defaultengine = "duckduckgo"
let barposition = "bottom"
command e tabnew
pmilosev /
Created November 15, 2022 09:08
Python tests - update VCR recording - example updates recorded Jira version
import sys
import vcr
import json
import ruamel.yaml
for argi in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
fin = open(sys.argv[argi], 'r')
fon = open(sys.argv[argi]+'.updated', 'w')
doc, ind, bsi = ruamel.yaml.util.load_yaml_guess_indent(fin)