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Working from home

Ross Jacobs pocc

Working from home
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pocc /
Created April 15, 2018 02:25
Git force pull to overwrite local files
# Shamelessly stolen from
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master
git pull origin master
pocc / phoNETic-alphabet.txt
Created April 19, 2018 20:10
The phoNETic alphabet for Network Engineers
A - Addressing
B - Broadcast
C - Connection
D - Duplex
E - Ethernet
F - Firewall
G - Gateway
H - Hardware
I - Internet
J - Jitter
pocc /
Created May 8, 2018 05:19
Versioning and Git Workflow

Semantic Versioning


Versions are denoted using a standard triplet of integers: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. The basic intent is that MAJOR versions are incompatible, large-scale upgrades of the API. MINOR versions retain source and binary compatibility with older minor versions, and changes in the PATCH level are perfectly compatible, forwards and backwards.

pocc / original.vimrc
Last active July 23, 2018 17:17
Original vimrc
" Ross Jacobs' original .vimrc
set nocompatible " be iMproved, required
filetype off " required
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
pocc / vimwiki.vimrc
Last active May 21, 2018 04:19
Get a vimwiki up quickly
" *** Get a vimwiki with markdown support up quickly ***
" 1. git clone ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vimwiki
" 2. Paste/append this file to ~/.vimrc
" 3. Change the location of the vimwiki path
"Vimwiki settings
set nocompatible
filetype plugin on
syntax on
pocc /
Created May 30, 2018 20:09
Whois with hostname
whois $(dig +short $1 | tail -n -1)
pocc /
Created June 28, 2018 21:53
Converts a repo to a branch on another repo
# This script will move the files in a repository into a branch in another repository
# arg 1 is file source repo 1, arg 2 is repo 2 that will get a new branch
# arg 3 is repo 1 name, arg 4 is repo 2 name, arg 5 is the branch name
# Get files
cd /tmp
git clone $1
git clone $2
cd $4
pocc /
Created July 22, 2018 07:18
Playing around with Python Inheritance
class First(object):
def __init__(self):
super(First, self).__init__()
def print_b(self):
class Second(First):
def __init__(self):
pocc /
Created August 19, 2018 05:41
Script that takes a pcap and filters and returns the filtered pcap using tshark. Tshark is faster than any python library while still maintaining wireshark syntax.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding=UTF-8
### SharkWrappyr ###
This script is a python wrapper for tshark that takes a pcap and filters
and returns the filtered pcap. Requires tshark to be installed.
Usage: filtered_pcap = shark_wrappyr(pcap_in, pcap_filters)
import subprocess
pocc /
Created September 2, 2018 01:12
Unittest practice with arithmetic functions
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Unittest practice
This program does basic arithmetic and provides a test class to test it.
# Running
python3 -m unittest
import unittest