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Helper function to make firing Toast messages easy in lightning components.

    // utility to pop up a toast msg easily
    // type is 'error', 'warning', 'success', or 'info'
    toast: function (type, title, msg) {
        let t = $A.get('e.force:showToast')
u = new User(Username  = Email
                    ,contactid =
                    ,profileid = p.Id
                    ,alias = fname + count.format()
                    ,email = email
                    ,emailencodingkey = 'UTF-8'
                    ,firstName = fname
                    ,lastname = lname
                    ,timezonesidkey = 'America/Los_Angeles'

skuid docs

  1. Click the right caret to access the results of the above command.
  2. Right click the highlighted skuid variable in the result.
  3. Click Store as a global variable.
pogilvie /
Last active February 5, 2019 17:36
Git things I forget
pogilvie /
Created March 30, 2019 20:16
node/sfdx script
    child_process = require('child_process'); 
    dx = child_process.spawnSync (
        'sfdx',                                                 // command
        [ 'force:schema:sobject:describe', '-s Account'],       // arguments
        {   cwd: process.cwd(),                                 // options
 env: process.env,
pogilvie /
Last active June 1, 2019 17:10
TrailheaDX 2019

Session Source Vs MDAPI format (native format) for cli / DX

  • Pilot force:source:push/pull in sandbox (dependency tracing)
  • requested a way to turn on tracing form the cli (well reieved)

Mulesoft both

  • Question mulesoft be a plaform event producer? Answer yes
  • How should we handle Salesforce downtime with our Mulesoft integrations. Answer logging consumer


  • Local development of LWC's
pogilvie /
Last active May 8, 2021 16:27
Exporting a JSON configuration file to SHELL environment variable