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prajwal-stha / add-to-cart.php
Created September 20, 2016 15:48 — forked from claudiosanches/add-to-cart.php
WooCommerce - Template add-to-cart.php with quantity and Ajax!
* Custom Loop Add to Cart.
* Template with quantity and ajax.
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
global $product;
prajwal-stha / Remove novalidate Comment Form Wordpress
Created October 2, 2016 16:46 — forked from ivanildodias/Remove novalidate Comment Form Wordpress
Remove "novalidate" attribute in default WordPress Comment Form
$commenter = wp_get_current_commenter();
$req = get_option( 'require_name_email' );
$aria_req = ( $req ? " aria-required='true'" : '' );
$html_req = ( $req ? " required='required'" : '' );
$span_req = ( $req ? ' <span class="required">*</span>' : '' );
comment_form( array(
'title_reply' => __( 'Leave your thoughts', 'issimple' ),
'comment_notes_after' => '',
function add_opengraph_doctype($output) {
return $output . '
add_filter('language_attributes', 'add_opengraph_doctype');
//Add Open Graph Meta Info from the actual article data, or customize as necessary
function facebook_open_graph() {
global $post;
if ( !is_singular()) //if it is not a post or a page
if($excerpt = $post->post_excerpt)
$excerpt = strip_tags($post->post_excerpt);
$excerpt = str_replace("", "'", $excerpt);
prajwal-stha /
Created October 17, 2016 01:31 — forked from tobi-pb/
Upgrade MAMP to Mysql 5.6
tar xfvz mysql-5.6*
echo "stopping mamp"
sudo /Applications/MAMP/bin/
sudo killall httpd mysqld
echo "creating backup"
prajwal-stha /
Created October 17, 2016 14:00 — forked from hofmannsven/
My simply Git Cheatsheet
prajwal-stha /
Created October 17, 2016 14:21 — forked from jfloff/
How to get MAMP to work with SSL ... Yes really.

First of all you need to be able to run MAMP in port 80. This is a "heat check" if you don't have any process jamming http ports. You can check it like this:

sudo lsof | grep LISTEN

If you do happen to have any process with something like this *:http (LISTEN), you are in trouble. Before with adventure check if it isn't MAMP itself (yeah, you should close that beforehand)

ps <pid of that process>

If you don't see MAMP, you are in good hands, I have just the thing for you:

prajwal-stha /
Created November 3, 2016 07:34 — forked from oodavid/
Deploy your site with git

Deploy your site with git

This gist assumes:

  • you have a local git repo
  • with an online remote repository (github / bitbucket etc)
  • and a cloud server (Rackspace cloud / Amazon EC2 etc)
    • your (PHP) scripts are served from /var/www/html/
    • your webpages are executed by apache
  • apache's home directory is /var/www/
prajwal-stha / Mark parent navigation active when on custom post type single page Mark (highlight) custom post type parent as active item in Wordpress Navigation. When you visit a custom post type's single page, the parent menu item (the post type archive) isn't marked as active. This code solves it by comparing the slug of the current post type with the navigation items, and adds a class accordingly.
add_action('nav_menu_css_class', 'add_current_nav_class', 10, 2 );
function add_current_nav_class($classes, $item) {
// Getting the current post details
global $post;
// Getting the post type of the current post
prajwal-stha / hex2rgb.js
Created October 8, 2017 11:08 — forked from polotek/hex2rgb.js
Convert hex colors to rgba
* hex2rgb - function for converting hex colors to rgb(a)
* Shout out to
* @hex (String) - The hex value. Can be prefixed with "#" or not. Can be
* long format (6 chars) or short format (3 chars)
* @opacity (number between 0 and 1) - This is an optional float value that
* will be used for the opacity