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polotek / hex2rgb.js
Created January 9, 2012 18:58
Convert hex colors to rgba
* hex2rgb - function for converting hex colors to rgb(a)
* Shout out to
* @hex (String) - The hex value. Can be prefixed with "#" or not. Can be
* long format (6 chars) or short format (3 chars)
* @opacity (number between 0 and 1) - This is an optional float value that
* will be used for the opacity
jxson /
Created February 10, 2012 00:18 template


At the top of the file there should be a short introduction and/ or overview that explains what the project is. This description should match descriptions added for package managers (Gemspec, package.json, etc.)

Code Example

Show what the library does as concisely as possible, developers should be able to figure out how your project solves their problem by looking at the code example. Make sure the API you are showing off is obvious, and that your code is short and concise.


stephenhardy / git-clearHistory
Created April 26, 2013 22:14
Steps to clear out the history of a git/github repository
-- Remove the history from
rm -rf .git
-- recreate the repos from the current content only
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
-- push to the github remote repos ensuring you overwrite history
git remote add origin [email protected]:<YOUR ACCOUNT>/<YOUR REPOS>.git
ravanscafi /
Last active June 22, 2019 14:42
Proper way to use LiveReload with Laravel Elixir

Proper way to use LiveReload with Laravel Elixir


  • It works without touching laravel-elixir source files, so it will not break on updates.
  • It runs only on watch task, so that when you run other tasks, livereload will not start and hang the console.
  • It performs soft-reloads on CSS changes, instead of a full page reload.


  1. npm install gulp-livereload if you still don't have it.
  2. Create an elixir.json file on the root of your project (where your gulpfile.js is located)
odan /
Last active February 17, 2025 11:11
XAMPP - Replacing MariaDB with MySQL

XAMPP - Replacing MariaDB with MySQL

This post has been deleted.

kevinwhoffman /
Last active August 1, 2024 06:59
Resources for Web Developers and Designers

Resources for Web Developers and Designers

This is an incomplete list of resources including courses and individuals who publish content that has helped me grow as a web developer and designer. Many of these resources are WordPress-specific as that is my current area of specialization. This list will grow over time. If you've got something to add, send me a link @kevinwhoffman and I'll check it out!

Course Providers