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Hope you're having an awesome day! :-)

Peter Taoussanis ptaoussanis

Hope you're having an awesome day! :-)
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(ns n01se.externs-for-cljs
(:require [ :as io]
[cljs.compiler :as comp]
[cljs.analyzer :as ana]))
(defn read-file [file]
(let [eof (Object.)]
(with-open [stream (clojure.lang.LineNumberingPushbackReader. (io/reader file))]
(vec (take-while #(not= % eof)
(repeatedly #(read stream false eof)))))))
(ns n01se.externs-for-cljs
(:require [ :as io]
[cljs.compiler :as comp]
[cljs.analyzer :as ana]))
(defn read-file [file]
(let [eof (Object.)]
(with-open [stream (clojure.lang.LineNumberingPushbackReader. (io/reader file))]
(vec (take-while #(not= % eof)
(repeatedly #(read stream false eof)))))))
rediscli=`which redis-cli`
s3cmd=`which s3cmd`
lsave=`$rediscli lastsave`
echo "LASTSAVE $lsave"
saved="`$rediscli config get dir | xargs | cut -d ' ' -f 2`/`$rediscli config get dbfilename | xargs | cut -d ' ' -f 2`"
$rediscli bgsave
while [ $lsave -eq `$rediscli lastsave` ]; do
(ns mutabots
"Reimplementation of transducers, in terms of processing functions instead
of reducing functions.
tl;dr: reducing-fn based transducers are a special case, influenced by reducers,
of processing-fn based transducers.
In Clojure 1.7.0-alpha2, transducers are expressed in terms of the existing
concept of reducing functions.
To sum it up, a transducer has currently the signature :

Rich Hickey on becoming a better developer

Rich Hickey • 3 years ago

Sorry, I have to disagree with the entire premise here.

A wide variety of experiences might lead to well-roundedness, but not to greatness, nor even goodness. By constantly switching from one thing to another you are always reaching above your comfort zone, yes, but doing so by resetting your skill and knowledge level to zero.

Mastery comes from a combination of at least several of the following:

ptaoussanis /
Created February 26, 2016 08:15 — forked from bgrins/
Prevent errors on console methods when no console present and expose a global 'log' function.

Javascript log Function

Every time I start a new project, I want to pull in a log function that allows the same functionality as the console.log, including the full functionality of the Console API.

There are a lot of ways to do this, but many are lacking. A common problem with wrapper functions is that the line number that shows up next to the log is the line number of the log function itself, not where log was invoked. There are also times where the arguments get logged in a way that isn't quite the same as the native function.

This is an attempt to once and for all document the function that I pull in to new projects. There are two different options:

  • The full version: Inspired by the plugin in HTML5 Boilerplate. Use this if you are writing an application and want to create a window.log function. Additionally,
ptaoussanis / stratch.clj
Last active December 9, 2021 18:08 — forked from danownsthisspace/stratch.clj
A function wrapper that ensures that a function can only be called once
(ns scratch.core
(:require [taoensso.encore :as enc]))
(defn wrap-once-in-a-while-1
"Uses atom + `swap-vals!`"
[^long msecs-period f]
(let [last-executed_ (atom 0)]
(fn wrapper [& args]
(let [[old new]