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rafa-munoz / Delete all facebook members (all the one visible on a given page)
Last active March 10, 2018 13:24 — forked from nirgeier/Delete all facebook members (all the one visible on a given page)
Delete all facebook group members on a given page. Usage: Copy this script, open developers console (F12) in chrome (win) and paste this script. The window will reload when it's finished
* This script will remove all group members displayed.
* @author: Nir Geier
* Usage:
* Load as many users as you need, then open console and paste this script in the
* console.
* Once the script finished executing, the page will autoreload.
rafa-munoz /
Last active November 24, 2022 07:51
Mac OS X: Delete duplicate files
# This script deletes all duplicated files found in the input folder.
# If results are found, we ask the user to select the file to delete.
# It doesn't work recursively.
# Usage:
# bash [folder]
# Tested on: