“It’s Our Moral Obligation to Disobey Unjust Laws” - Dr. Martin Luther King
After the election of Donald Trump, a number of individuals and groups convened to identify next steps for community self-defense. That group issued a set of principles of community self-defense which ground this open letter.
This letter springs from our concern about the criminalization of dissent and our desire to avoid putting folks at risk when they are making righteous demands from those in power. In the event guidelines for a June 30, 2018 event co-sponsored by MoveOn, CHILRA, ACLU-SoCal, and others, there is an expectation or understanding that folks who attend that event will not only obey law enforcement but will also cooperate with law enforcement if told to do so by event organizers (marshals). To us, this is dangerous and unacceptable.
Please click on [Facebook Event Page link](https://m.facebook.com/events/223447