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minism /
Created January 10, 2012 18:39
python terminal colors
# Terminal color definitions
class fg:
BLACK = '\033[30m'
RED = '\033[31m'
GREEN = '\033[32m'
YELLOW = '\033[33m'
BLUE = '\033[34m'
MAGENTA = '\033[35m'
CYAN = '\033[36m'
bradmontgomery /
Last active February 25, 2025 11:26
a minimal http server in python. Responds to GET, HEAD, POST requests, but will fail on anything else.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Very simple HTTP server in python (Updated for Python 3.7)
./ -h
./ -l localhost -p 8000
Send a GET request:
frsyuki /
Created June 11, 2012 02:36
My thoughts on MessagePack

My thoughts on MessagePack

Hi. My name is Sadayuki "Sada" Furuhashi. I am the author of the MessagePack serialization format as well as its implementation in C/C++/Ruby.

Recently, MessagePack made it to the front page of Hacker News with this blog entry by Olaf, the creator of the Facebook game ZeroPilot. In the comment thread, there were several criticisms for the blog post as well as MessagePack itself, and I thought this was a good opportunity for me to address the questions and share my thoughts.

My high-level response to the comments

To the best of my understanding, roughly speaking, the criticisms fell into the following two categories.

kirelagin / Huffman.lhs
Created October 13, 2012 21:44
Very simple implementation of Huffman coding in Haskell
> module Huffman where
> import Control.Arrow
> import Data.List
> import qualified Data.Map as M
> import Data.Function
This typeclass is supposed to make life _a bit_ easier.
jizhilong /
Created September 24, 2013 16:37
how to kill a process's child processes in python
#!/usr/bin/env python
import multiprocessing
import time
import subprocess, os, signal, sys
def test(s):
while True:
print s
cryptix / main.go
Created July 29, 2014 10:16
using go/ast to find specific function calls and the values of a parameter
package main
import (
reiki4040 / signal.go
Created October 2, 2014 14:38
signal handling example for golang
package main
import (
func main() {
diorahman /
Last active March 10, 2025 02:01
CUDA Books: Self taught
jozefg / Tail.hs
Created December 1, 2014 15:58
uncons without pattern matching
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Tail where
type CL a = forall c. (a -> c -> c) -> c -> c
t :: CL a -> (forall c. (a -> (Bool -> c) -> (Bool -> c))
-> (Bool -> c)
-> (Bool -> c))
t fold cons nil = fold myCons myNil
sdiehl / state.hs
Created January 13, 2015 18:44
State monad implementation + example
import Control.Monad
-- State Monad Implementation
newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a,s) }
instance Monad (State s) where
return a = State $ \s -> (a, s)