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Erhan Bağdemir reevik

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md5=`curl -s -X GET $moshtel_web | md5sum | awk -F' ' '{print $1}'`
if [ ! -e /var/tmp/$md5 ]
osascript -e 'display notification "You should check out: '$moshtel_web'" with title "Moshtel Alarm"'
public class AppConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public RateLimiter rateLimiter() throws IOException {
return new RateLimiter(proxyManager(), bucketConfiguration());
public boolean preHandle(
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
Object handler) {
Map<String, String> pathVars = (Map<String, String>)
if (!rateLimiter.tryAccess(pathVars.get(USER_ID))) {
public class RateLimiter {
private final RedissonBasedProxyManager redissonBasedProxyManager;
private final BucketConfiguration bucketConfiguration;
public RateLimiter(RedissonBasedProxyManager redissonBasedProxyManager,
BucketConfiguration bucketConfiguration) {
this.redissonBasedProxyManager = redissonBasedProxyManager;
this.bucketConfiguration = bucketConfiguration;
// "x => x + 1" could be reduced to "_ + 1" using placeholder syntax.
> Some(10) flatMap(x => x + 1)
res0: Option[Int] = Some(45)
> Some(10) flatMap(x => None)
res0: Option[Nothing] = None
> List(Some(1), None, Some(3), None).map(a => \
a.flatMap(b => Some(b + 1)))
res0: List[Option[Int]] = List(Some(2), None, Some(4), None)
abstract class Option[+T] {
def flatMap[U](f: T => Option[U]) : Option[U] = this match {
case Some(x) => f(x)
case None => None
(1 to m).flatMap(i =>
(1 to n).filter(j => i > j)
map(k => (i, k)))
$ scala -Xprint:parser -e "for (i <- 1 to n; if i % 2 == 0) yield i"
(2,1), (3,1), (3,2), (4,1), (4,2), ...
for (i 1 to n; if i > j) yield (i, j)