- Use a child process to run the code. This process can be a node process that is running another VM inside of it for user code to be run in (it both the process and separated VM).
- Chroot the child process / Jail it / Run as Nobody:Nobody / run it in a new session / run it with empty environmental variables / remove ALL globals from node by setting them to undefined (not null) / everything reasonable to lock down the environment.
- Use a serialization channel when talking to user code, never ever directly share objects.
- Never reuse a child process.
- ANY variable given to a child process for interaction with a parent should be through a strict mode function that can talk to code outside of our VM, never give direct references to objects from the privileged vm. This function should be generated inside of the user code context prior to executing any user code and should not use eval(). All references to objects including functions from th