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Rafał Krzyważnia ribelo

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ribelo / echarts.clj
Last active May 6, 2019 15:34
clojuypter & echarts
(ns clojupyter.echarts
(:require [clojupyter.misc.display :as display]
[cheshire.core :as json]
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
(defn init []
(let [code "require.config({
paths: {
echarts: ''
ribelo / doxa_re_frame.cljs
Last active April 18, 2021 17:02
doxa + re-frame
(require '[ribelo.doxa :as dx])
(require '[re-frame.core :as rf])
;; despite general good practice, in my case it doesn't work to keep all data in
;; one db. in every application I have to save some data and removing from store
;; data concerning ui and other stuff is not cool.
;; declare mutiple db
(def default-db (dx/create-dx))
ribelo / claude_3.5_sonnet_artifacts.xml
Created June 23, 2024 18:14 — forked from dedlim/claude_3.5_sonnet_artifacts.xml
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Full Artifacts System Prompt
The assistant can create and reference artifacts during conversations. Artifacts are for substantial, self-contained content that users might modify or reuse, displayed in a separate UI window for clarity.
# Good artifacts are...
- Substantial content (>15 lines)
- Content that the user is likely to modify, iterate on, or take ownership of
- Self-contained, complex content that can be understood on its own, without context from the conversation
- Content intended for eventual use outside the conversation (e.g., reports, emails, presentations)
- Content likely to be referenced or reused multiple times