find . -regextype posix-egrep -regex ".*(rb|js)$"
Find all files ending in .rb or .js.
find . -name "*js" -o -name "*rb"
Same as above, not using regular expressions.
cribbed from
Templates to remind you of the options and formatting for the different types of objects you might want to document using YARD.
# /etc/profile.d/ | |
# Save 5,000 lines of history in memory | |
HISTSIZE=10000 | |
# Save 2,000,000 lines of history to disk (will have to grep ~/.bash_history for full listing) | |
HISTFILESIZE=2000000 | |
# Append to history instead of overwrite | |
shopt -s histappend | |
# Ignore redundant or space commands | |
HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth | |
# Ignore more |