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rkok /
Last active November 21, 2018 15:40
Retrieve git submodules without a .git directory
# This comes in handy when you have a copy of a git repository
# without the .git metadata directory included,
# for instance a .zip export from Bitbucket.
# For use in a shell script.
if [ ! -d '.git' ]; then
git init .
rkok /
Last active August 22, 2024 16:24
Convert .m3u to .audpl (Audacious playlist file)
# Creates an Audacious playlist,
# pre-indexed faster than Audacious does it over network mounts
# Supported formats: basic m3u, extended m3u.
# Usage:
# 1. Create an empty playlist in Audacious
rkok /
Last active November 13, 2023 14:30
Restart Synology VPN connection
# Setup:
# 1. Setup a VPN in the Synology web interface
# 2. Log in via SSH
# 3. Take a look at /usr/syno/etc/synovpnclient/openvpn/ovpnclient.conf
# 4. Find your VPN entry and fill in the variables below.
# ID = the CLIENT ID, shown between square brackets, e.g. "[o123456789]"
# CONFNAME = value of "conf_name"
rkok /
Last active July 19, 2019 07:40
Recursive flac to mp3 converter, with CPU and file count limiter
# flac2mp3
# Recursively converts flac files to mp3s.
# Doesn't delete flacs after conversion but skips them on next iteration.
# Bits stolen from
# Requires packages: lame, flac, cpulimit
rkok /
Created July 19, 2019 07:35
Bare-bones m3u generator
# - Bare-bones m3u generator
# Usage:
# ./
# Setup:
# 1. Supply INPATHS. Paths which are relative
# to this script will result in relative paths in the m3u
# 2. (Optional) Edit file extensions "mp3|flac|xm|s3m|mod|it"
rkok /
Created July 26, 2019 04:44
Extended m3u generator
# - Extended m3u generator
# Usage:
# ./
# Setup:
# 1. Install dependencies:
# mp3info -
# id3tool -
# 2. Supply INPATHS. Paths which are relative to
rkok /
Created March 23, 2022 07:27
Persistent SSH tunnel helper
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Quit on error
set -e
# Functions
msg() {
echo -e "\x1B[1m$1\x1B[0m"
rkok /
Last active June 15, 2023 06:04
Plesk auto_prepend_file installer
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# For every domain on a Plesk server:
# - Sets a desired PHP auto_prepend_file
# - Patches open_basedir (if necessary)
# - Strips any Wordfence WAF open_basedir override (make sure your custom prepend file re-includes it!)
# Only tested on RedHat-like servers with Plesk Obsidian 18.0.52
# Use at your own risk
rkok / MultiHttps.ts
Created August 14, 2023 04:31
Rate-limit-aware, multi-interface wrapper for Axios (HTTPS requests only)
* Disclaimer: this was slung together as the result of some trial and error and can definitely be improved.
* Pass environment variable DEBUG=1 for lots of debug logging.
* Usage example:
* const rateLimits: RateLimitDef[] = [
* {
* urlRegex: 'carriages/[^/]+/horses',
rkok /
Last active October 10, 2023 06:40
Cleanup InfiniteWP history tables
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# For each site in InfiniteWP,
# removes all but the latest history records.
# This speeds up InfiniteWP and
# reduces the size of its tables,
# particularly iwp_history_raw_details.
# Indended to be run as a daily cronjob.