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levi scott rnmhdn

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RadNi / lwnfs.c
Created January 10, 2019 20:09 — forked from prashants/lwnfs.c
Updated lwnfs
* Demonstrate a trivial filesystem using libfs.
* Copyright 2002, 2003 Jonathan Corbet <[email protected]>
* This file may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL.
* Chances are that this code will crash your system, delete your
* nethack high scores, and set your disk drives on fire. You have
* been warned.
Handlebars is a semantic web template system, started by Yehuda Katz in 2010.
Handlebars.js is a superset of Mustache, and can render Mustache templates in addition to Handlebars templates.
1. Expressions.
1.1 Basic usage.
vodik /
Last active December 11, 2024 16:20
_Never_ -Sy when installing!

Once upon a time there was a user that wanted to install firefox.

The user tried to do pacman -S firefox but it didn't work. The all mighty pacman reported that firefox-3.2.4-1.i686.pkg.tar.gz could not be found on his mirror. So the user tried pacman -Sy firefox. It worked and the user rejoiced since he could once again go and troll /h/.

But all was not good. The user had made a grave error!

See, when the user told the almighty pacman to -Sy firefox, pacman did