stopBefore(document, 'getElementById')
stopBefore('document.getElementById') // the same as the previous
stopBefore(Element.prototype, 'removeChild')
for (var i = 0; i < 1024 * 1024; i++) { | |
process.nextTick(function () { Math.sqrt(i) } ) | |
} |
var net = require('net') | |
var sock = net.connect(1337) | |
process.stdin.pipe(sock) | |
sock.pipe(process.stdout) | |
sock.on('connect', function () { | |
process.stdin.resume(); | |
process.stdin.setRawMode(true) |
Chrome exhibits behavior different from firefox (and other javascript environments) in that console.log requires "this" to be console. This issue is discussed here.
Simple failing code is
var helloWorld = function(callback) {
callback("Hello World");
The included snippet makes failing code function correctly without any other changes required. It just has to be run before any console.log
s. Similar code can be written for
and so on.
@echo off | |
SET st3Path=C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\sublime_text.exe | |
rem add it for all file types | |
@reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with Sublime Text 3" /t REG_SZ /v "" /d "Open with Sublime Text 3" /f | |
@reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with Sublime Text 3" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /v "Icon" /d "%st3Path%,0" /f | |
@reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with Sublime Text 3\command" /t REG_SZ /v "" /d "%st3Path% \"%%1\"" /f | |
rem add it for folders | |
@reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Open with Sublime Text 3" /t REG_SZ /v "" /d "Open with Sublime Text 3" /f |
// === Arrays | |
var [a, b] = [1, 2]; | |
console.log(a, b); | |
//=> 1 2 | |
// Use from functions, only select from pattern | |
var foo = () => [1, 2, 3]; |
The final result: require() any module on npm in your browser console with browserify
This article is written to explain how the above gif works in the chrome (and other) browser consoles. A quick disclaimer: this whole thing is a huge hack, it shouldn't be used for anything seriously, and there are probably much better ways of accomplishing the same.
Update: There are much better ways of accomplishing the same, and the script has been updated to use a much simpler method pulling directly from browserify-cdn. See this thread for details: mathisonian/requirify#5
function | |
foo(x,y) { | |
return x * y; | |
} | |
foo(3,5); // 15 |
function mapValues(obj, fn) { | |
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((result, key) => { | |
result[key] = fn(obj[key], key); | |
return result; | |
}, {}); | |
} | |
function pick(obj, fn) { | |
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((result, key) => { | |
if (fn(obj[key])) { |