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Roberto Galan robertogalan

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robertogalan / open.bat
Last active August 28, 2023 15:18
Using Microsoft Sysinternals to open/close a program on several machines over a local Windows network.
@echo off
rem Use the username and password of the administrator account on the remote machines.
set username = admin
set password = pass
rem Set the IP addresses and names of the remote machines.
set desk1name_ip =
set desk2name_ip =
rem repeat the above for all machines
robertogalan /
Last active December 19, 2021 10:02
Shell script to install apache/mysql/php/wordpress into an EC2 instance of Amazon AMI Linux.
#! /bin/bash
# Shell script to install apache/mysql/php/wordpress into an EC2 instance of Amazon AMI Linux.
# Step 1: Create an AWS EC2 instance
# Step 2: ssh in like: ssh -v -i wordpress.pem [email protected]
# Step 3: Run this as root/superuser, do sudo su
echo "Shell script to install apache/mysql/php/wordpress into an EC2 instance of Amazon AMI Linux."
echo "Please run as root, if you're not, choose N now and enter 'sudo su' before running the script."
echo "Run script? (y/n)"