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<title>Getting the gist of Gist</title>
like a fox
# Calculate all the primes between 0 and the value specified
def primes(up_to)
prev = []
(2..up_to).select do |x|
max_p = Math.sqrt(x).truncate
if !prev.find { |y| y <= max_p ? x % y == 0 : break }
prev << x
require 'test/unit'
class Set
def initialize(initial=[])
@contents =
initial.each do |item|
@contents[item.to_s] = item
return self
robolson /
Created March 7, 2009 21:39
Shell script to check multiple git repositories for updates.
"/Users/rob/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/Git.tmbundle"
"/Users/rob/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/Ruby.tmbundle"
"/Users/rob/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/RubyAMP.tmbundle"
"/Users/rob/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/Ruby Haml.tmbundle"
"/Users/rob/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/Ruby on Rails.tmbundle"
"/Users/rob/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/ruby-sass.tmbundle"
"/Users/rob/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/ruby-shoulda.tmbundle"
robolson / gist:137147
Created June 27, 2009 22:54
Shell command to fix escaped spaces in filenames
# Finds all the files with "%20" in their filename and replaces it with a plain space
find . -name "*%20*" -exec sh -c 'mv ${0} "${0//\%20/ }"' {} \;
robolson /
Created June 28, 2009 01:26
Bash script to download all of Jonathan Coulton's free songs.
# Downloads all of Jonathan Coulton's free songs
# from
curl -C - "" -o "Washy Ad Jeffy.mp3" \
"" -o "SkyMall.mp3" \
"" -o "Creepy Doll.mp3" \
"" -o "Big Bad World One.mp3" \
"" -o "Mr. Fancy Pants.mp3" \
"'m%20Your%20Moon.mp3" -o "I'm Your Moon.mp3" \
robolson / gist:212563
Created October 18, 2009 05:36
Catalog TV show downloads
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Cataloger watches the directory where completed torrents are placed.
# Upon scanning the directory for all .avi or .mkv files the script will
# attempt to extract the name of the TV show and the season number from the
# filename. Cataloger then checks for a directory of the format:
# and copies over the file.
# Naturally this script is for educational purposes only.
# Blog post at
module Teacher
def self.included(base)
base.extend ClassMethods
base.instance_eval do
def method_added(name)
[rob@rob-desktop ~]$ echo $PATH
[rob@rob-desktop ~]$ ./Downloads/Starter/
Found an existing Narwhal/Cappuccino installation, /home/rob/narwhal. Remove it automatically now?
WARNING: the ENTIRE directory, /home/rob/narwhal, will be removed (i.e. 'rm -rf /home/rob/narwhal').
Be sure this is correct. Custom modifications and installed packages WILL BE DELETED.
Enter "yes" or "no":
robolson / gist:8994680
Created February 14, 2014 02:16
Thumbor watermark test failure
Vows Results
Url vows
With thumbor inside watermark
✗ should have image
Expected topic("',0,0,0)/some.domain/img/path/img.jpg") to equal 'some.domain/img/path/img.jpg'