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Rodrigo Moyle rodrigorm

  • Santos/SP - Brazil
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How to code drunk

Some people born with it, some people are self-taught on this, some people just discover how. How about a guide on how to code great software while still drunk as a cow?


  • You can add your patterns by forking this gist.
  • You must be drunk before sending a pattern.
projects=( rails active_merchant activerecord_i18n_defaults adva_cms amqp ansuz apache-upload-progress-module backports braid click-to-globalize clj-garden cucumber cucumber-tmbundle custom_resource_name deprec design_patterns_in_ruby exception_notification git-me-up git_depot globalize2 globalize2-demo grit http_accept_language insoshi isitjruby jrails jruby-rack lighthouse-api merb-internals-handbook mizuho mspec panda paperclip poignant-br prawn rails-template rake-compiler reia rhodes rhosync rquery rspec rspec-rails ruby-benchmark-suite rubyspec sake-tasks saushengine scanty snippets standalone-migrations translate_routes translator twitter vim-git vim-rails webrat )
for repo in ${projects[@]}; do
echo "Updating repo [$repo]"
cd /Users/akitaonrails/Sites/rails/$repo
git checkout master
git pull
function fetch {