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Route Transition API


The goal of the route transition API is to enable suspense-like transition in React Router without using Suspense (much like v1).

On location changes, React Router will continue to send down the old location, activating pending hooks for loading states and optimistic UI, and wait for your Route's preloading hooks to resolve before sending down the new location and updating your app.

This enables you to declare data dependencies on your routes, allowing your route elements to expect data and not need to manage their own loading states.

ryanflorence / Some
Created November 24, 2020 22:28
Created from Remix Form!


ryanflorence / fasdf
Created November 24, 2020 05:54
Created from Remix Form!
ryanflorence / SPINNING
Created November 24, 2020 05:42
Created from Remix Form!
ryanflorence / with a spinner
Created November 24, 2020 05:41
Created from Remix Form!
so cool
ryanflorence / coolio
Created November 24, 2020 05:35
Created from Remix Form!
So cool
ryanflorence / farty fart
Created November 24, 2020 05:31
Created from Remix Form!
fart fart fart
Mutations with Actions and Form | Remix

import { Link } from "react-router-dom";

Mutations with Actions and <Form>

Data mutations in Remix are built on top of two fundamental web APIs: `` and HTTP. We then use progressive enhancement to enable optimistic UI, loading indicators, and validation feedback--but the programming model is still built on HTML forms.

import type { Action, Loader } from "@remix-run/loader";
import { json, parseFormBody, redirect } from "@remix-run/loader";
import { readTodos, createTodo, deleteTodo } from "../data/todo";
let action: Action = async ({ request, context: { session } }) => {
let [method, body] = await methodOverride(request);
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000));
switch (method) {
case "post": {
let [_, error] = await createTodo(body!.name);
// loader
const { db } = require("../server/firebase");
module.exports = () => {
return db.doc("some/path").get().data();
// Non-remix hook for docs, takes initial data for immediate
// rendering