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s2krish / automated-ec2-backup
Last active September 2, 2022 04:45
Automated backup of EC2 Volume for last seven days using AWS CloudWatch
This is tiny script (self note) for automated back of AWS EC2
1. Create Lambda function. Visit
2. Assigned right AIM role (should have sufficient privileges). Visit
3. Set to schedule run from CloudWatch Event. Visit
import boto3
import datetime
s2krish / playwright_with_AWS_EB.config
Last active September 2, 2022 04:42
playwright with AWS EB
# Customizing Amazon Linux 2 to setup playwright
# config file should be in [project_root]/.ebextensions/command.config
python3-devel: []
at-spi2-atk: []
cups-devel: []
libxkbcommon: []
libXcomposite: []