Glide is the easiest way to create useful slide for all of your Gists.
- input key
to go backward. - input key
to go forward.
# See default settings | |
AllCops: | |
Includes: | |
- '**/Rakefile' | |
Excludes: | |
- 'vendor/bundle/**/*' | |
- 'db/schema.rb' | |
- 'config/initializers/secret_token.rb' | |
- 'spec/support/share_db_connection.rb' |
*.sassc | |
.sass-cache | |
capybara-*.html | |
.rspec | |
/.bundle | |
/vendor/bundle | |
/log/*.log | |
tmp/**/* | |
/tmp/* | |
/db/*.sqlite3* |
module ControllerMacros | |
def login_user | |
before(:each) do | |
@request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user] | |
user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) | |
user.confirm! | |
sign_in user | |
end | |
end | |
end |
source '' | |
ruby '2.0.0' | |
gem 'rails', '4.0.0' | |
# MySQL | |
# gem 'mysql2' | |
# Assets | |
gem 'slim' |
# A sample Guardfile | |
# More info at | |
require 'active_support/inflector' | |
guard :rubocop, cli: ['--format', 'clang', '--silent'] do | |
watch(%r{.+\.rb$}) | |
watch(%r{(?:.+/)?\.rubocop\.yml$}) { |m| File.dirname(m[0]) } | |
end |
# monkey-patch the whereami command to show some frame information, | |
# useful for navigating stack. | |
Pry.config.commands.before_command("whereami") do |num| | |
if PryStackExplorer.frame_manager(_pry_) && !internal_binding?(target) | |
bindings = PryStackExplorer.frame_manager(_pry_).bindings | |
binding_index = PryStackExplorer.frame_manager(_pry_).binding_index | |
# Add here | |
# Ignore outputs when Frame number: 0/0 or 0/1 | |
unless binding_index == 0 && bindings.size <= 2 |
doctype html | |
html | |
head | |
title Title | |
= stylesheet_link_tag 'application', media: 'all', data: {turbolinks_track: true } | |
= javascript_include_tag 'application', data: {turbolinks_track: true } | |
= csrf_meta_tags | |
body | |
== yield |
%w(Seeds).each do |seed| | |
seed_file = "#{Rails.root}/db/seeds/fixtures/#{seed.pluralize.tableize}.rb" | |
if File.exists?(seed_file) | |
puts "Creating #{seed} seed data" | |
require seed_file | |
end | |
end |
pixiv Inc.
Tuurbolinks v2.2.0