docker search <image_name>
Eg: docker search redis
REST - Representational State Transfer is intended to evoke an image of how a well-designed web application behaves.
- Facts of REST
- REST is not a standard/protocol its an architectural style
- REST is protocol agnostic
- JSON is not part of REST
- HTTP is also not part of REST
- 6 REST Constraints
- Client - Server Architecture : Client and server are separated and can evolve separately.
- Service Authoring : Development interfaces that abstract the core patterns of microservice solutions.
- Service Discovery : Infrastructure for dynamically publishing and discovery microservices in a specific domain.(,Etcd etc.)
- Service Description : Metadata models for describing the capabilities of microservices.(Swagger,Thrift etc.)
- Persistence : Microservices require isolated data persistence models to maintain its state.(NO SQL Databases)
- Messaging Middleware : Queueing,PuSub and other fundamental message exchange patterns should me enabled in microservice solutions.(Kafka,RabbitMQ etc.)
- Deployment Automation : Microservices technologies should abstract the pr
The Reactive Principles are
- Download Latest/LTS NodeJs version from website.
- Copy/Move the node-vx.y.z-linux-x64.tar to /usr/local.
- Extract or untar the file using
tar xf node-vx.y.z-linux-x64.tar.xz
- Verify Installation of node and npm using the following commands
node --version
npm --version
Find Processes running on a port nnumber
netstat -ano | findstr :<PortNumber>
Kill Process with PID
taskkill /PID /F