I hereby claim:
- I am sajith on github.
- I am sajith (https://keybase.io/sajith) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 22D9 BFBA 256B 7BFA 7B16 187C 0C6D A6A2 9D5F 02BA
To claim this, I am signing this object:
function loadtimes ( dirname ) | |
if isempty ( dirname ), return, end | |
cmd = sprintf ( 'find %s -iname "*.mat"', dirname ); | |
[ ~, files ] = system ( cmd ); | |
mfiles = regexp ( files, '\n', 'split'); | |
for i = 1 : length ( mfiles ) - 1 | |
s1 = sprintf ( '%s', mfiles{i} ); | |
s = regexprep ( s1, ',$', '' ); |
sajith@wheezy:~$ ghc --version | |
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.4.1 | |
sajith@wheezy:~$ ghc-pkg list | |
/var/lib/ghc/package.conf.d | |
Cabal-1.14.0 | |
GLUT- | |
HTTP-4000.2.3 | |
HUnit- | |
MonadCatchIO-mtl- | |
OpenGL- |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
module Forever where | |
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) | |
import Control.Monad (forever) | |
loop :: Integer -> IO () | |
loop i = forever (print i >> threadDelay (10^4) >> loop (i+1)) |
-- copied from Network.Mail.Mime | |
module RandomStr where | |
import Control.Arrow (first) | |
import Data.List (nub) | |
import System.Random | |
randomString :: RandomGen d => Int -> d -> (String, d) |
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} | |
-- Fails with "*** Exception: NeedsInfiniteSeed" | |
module RandomStr2 where | |
import "crypto-api" Crypto.Random | |
import "crypto-api" Crypto.Types | |
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as B | |
import System.Entropy |
module RandomStr3 where | |
-- uses mwc-random for making random strings | |
import Data.List (nub) | |
import Data.Text as T (Text, pack) | |
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V (Vector, map, toList) | |
import Data.Word (Word8) | |
import System.Random.MWC (asGenST, uniformVector, withSystemRandom) |
module RandomStr4 where | |
-- uses `random` package | |
import Data.List as L | |
import Data.Text as T | |
import System.Random (RandomGen, newStdGen, randomRIO, randomRs) | |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
module RandomStr5 where | |
-- uses `MonadRandom` package | |
import Control.DeepSeq (force) | |
import Control.Monad (liftM) | |
import Control.Monad.Random (evalRandIO, getRandoms) | |
import Data.List (nub) | |
import Data.Text (Text, pack) |