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Roman Sakno sakno

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sakno /
Last active March 25, 2019 16:28
Roslyin Compiler Support for Type Classes

Roslyin Compiler Support for Type Classes

This documentation describes potential implementation of Type Classes and Shapes features in Roslyn compiler.


  1. Provide a solution without extra modification of .NET CLR
  2. Stay backward compatible so previous versions of C# programming language can use generic types constrained with type classes
  3. Stay CLS compliant
  4. Provide interoperability between different .NET languages
sakno /
Last active April 11, 2020 16:10
Path MTU discovery in C#

The following code allows to discover MTU between your local machine and remote host in C#:

static int? DiscoverMtu(IPAddress address, int timeout, int ttl = 240)
            const int icmpEchoHeaderSize = 8;
            const int mtuMinSize = 60;
            const int mtuMaxSize = 65500;
            int mtuLowerBound = mtuMinSize, mtuUpperBound = mtuMaxSize;
            var bestMtu = default(int?);
            using var ping = new Ping();
sakno / memory-streaming-bench.cs
Last active December 21, 2020 12:54
Demonstrates performance measurements of MemoryStream, RecyclableMemoryStream and SparseBuffer
using System;
using System.IO;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Engines;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Order;
using Microsoft.IO;
namespace DotNext.Buffers
using IO;
sakno / queue.cs
Created August 4, 2024 17:31
Lock-free queue in C#
public class LockFreeQueue<T>
private Node? head, tail;
private void EnqueueWithContention(Node currentTail, Node newNode)
var tmp = currentTail;
currentTail = tmp;