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Miguel Sancho Fernandez sanchojaf

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Puede cargar a los clientes por sus aplicaciones en un ciclo de facturación recurrente creando y emitiendo un cargo recurrente por la aplicación. El cargo recurrente de la aplicación se aplica cada 30 días a partir del día en que el comerciante acepta el cargo. Esto significa que una tienda tendrá su propio ciclo de facturación de 30 días con Shopify, más un ciclo independiente de 30 días por cada cargo recurrente de la aplicación.

Después de activar y aprobar un cargo recurrente de la aplicación, el sistema debe manejar el caso en el que se rechazan los pagos futuros. Si una tienda deja de pagar sus facturas, Shopify congelará la cuenta. Esto significa que su cargo recurrente de la aplicación también se congelará y no recibirá ningún pago. En el caso de que una tienda inicie nuevamente los pagos, la tienda se descongelará y los cargos se reanudarán.

sanchojaf / gist:1b6b51cc6932fdcf9f6eb1f8f104d31f
Last active July 20, 2017 13:27

ensure that you have rails 4.2 like envioroment

git clone git://

cd rails-stripe-membership-saas


rake db:migrate

json_payload =
\"orders\": [
\"id\": \"R123456789\",
\"status\": \"complete\",
\"channel\": \"spree\",
\"email\": \"[email protected]\",
\"currency\": \"USD\",
\"placed_on\": \"2017-03-10T15: 20: 43Z\",
sanchojaf / traversal_binary_tree.rb
Last active November 6, 2016 16:42
Breadth-First Insertion and Traversal in a Binary Tree
# The traverse iterator will iterate over the tree in the same
# breadth-first order.
class Tree
attr_accessor :left
attr_accessor :right
attr_accessor :data
def initialize(x=nil)
@left = @right = nil
sanchojaf / towers_of_hanoi_with_stack.rb
Last active November 6, 2016 15:42
Towers of Hanoi using Stack (stack, recursion)
# We have a pole with a certain number of disks staked on it;
# call this the source pole. We want move all of these to the
# destination pole, using a third (auxiliary) pole as an
# intermediate resting place. The catch is that you can move
# only one disk at the time, and you cannot ever place a larger
# disk onto a smaller one.
def towers(list)
while !list.empty?
n, src, dst, aux = list.pop
sanchojaf / matching_ip_v4_address.rb
Created November 6, 2016 14:53
Matching IP V4 Address (ruby, regular expressions)
# IP V4 Address are four decimal numbers separated by periods,
# each number ranging from 0 to 255.
number = /(\d|[01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])/
expression = /^(#{number}\.){3}#{number}$/
sample_text = ""
sample_text =~ expression
sanchojaf / matching_keyword_value_pair.rb
Last active November 6, 2016 14:56
Matching Keyword-Value Pair (ruby, regular expressions)
# Extracts the keyword and the value. The assumptions are that
# the keyword oor attribute is a single word, the value extends
# to the end of the line, and the equal sign may be surrounded
# by whitespace.
expression = /(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*?)$/
sample_text = "color = blue"
sample_text =~ expression
sanchojaf / quick_select.rb
Last active April 8, 2018 01:18
Ruby QuickSort and QuickSelect
def quicksort(arr, first, last)
return arr unless first < last
p_index = partition(arr, first, last)
quicksort(arr, first, p_index - 1)
quicksort(arr, p_index + 1, last)
def quickselect(arr, first, last, i)
return arr[first] if first == last
sanchojaf / monotone_chain_convex_hull.rb
Created October 29, 2016 23:28
Andrew's monotone chain convex hull algorithm
# Andrew's monotone chain convex hull algorithm constructs the convex hull
# of a set of 2-dimensional points in O(n\log n) time.
# It does so by first sorting the points lexicographically (first by x-coordinate,
# and in case of a tie, by y-coordinate), and then constructing upper and lower
# hulls of the points inO(n) time.
# An upper hull is the part of the convex hull, which is visible from the above.
# It runs from its rightmost point to the leftmost point in counterclockwise order.
# Lower hull is the remaining part of the convex hull.