Moose Hackathon Agenda
- Traits in C::MOP
- removing T::E from Moose/MOP
- adding lives_ok/dies_ok to Test::Moose
- merging C::MOP and Moose
- Antlers
- merging MooseX modules into Moose and/or core
- MX::AH into core
- MooseX::Traits -> Moose::Traits
package Module::Install::Repository; | |
use strict; | |
use 5.008_001; | |
our $VERSION = '0.01'; | |
use base qw(Module::Install::Base); | |
sub auto_set_repository { | |
my $self = shift; |
Moose Hackathon Agenda
#!/usr/bin/env perl | |
use strict; | |
use warnings; | |
use IM::Engine; | |
IM::Engine->new( | |
interface => { | |
# protocol => 'Jabber', | |
# credentials => { |
#!/usr/bin/env perl | |
use strict; | |
use warnings; | |
use IM::Engine; | |
do { | |
package Rock::Paper::Scissors; | |
use Path::Dispatcher::Declarative -base; | |
my %beats = ( |
test! |
# see | |
use MooseX::Declare; | |
use 5.12.0; | |
if (shift eq 'ujihisa') { | |
class Ujihisa { | |
method hi { | |
'my name is ujihisa' | |
} |
#!/usr/bin/env perl | |
use 5.14.0; | |
use warnings; | |
use Data::PowerSet 'powerset'; | |
my @all_modules = qw(Mouse MouseX::Types Moose MooseX::Types); | |
my %results; | |
for my $modules (@{ powerset(@all_modules) }) { |
package CD; | |
use Moose; | |
use MooseX::PassableBuilder; | |
use File::Slurp 'slurp'; | |
has title => ( | |
is => 'ro', | |
isa => 'Str', | |
required => 1, | |
); |
#!/usr/bin/env perl | |
use strict; | |
use warnings; | |
use utf8::all; | |
use REST::Google::Search; | |
REST::Google::Search->http_referer(''); | |
$| = 1; | |
for my $year (23 .. 50) { |
kaitain% cat | |
#!/usr/bin/env perl | |
use 5.14.0; | |
package Class { | |
sub new { bless {} } | |
sub DESTROY { say "Bye at ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} time" } | |
}; | |
BEGIN { Class->new } | |
Class->new; |