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$ time echo 'select japanese from sentences where morphemes like "% に 殺す %";' | sqlite3 $ANKI_CORPUS | head
sartak / gist:1343372
Created November 6, 2011 19:46
Joyo readings
一 イチ イツ ひと ひと-つ
二 ニ ふた ふた-つ
三 サン み み-つ みっ-つ
四 シ よ よ-つ よっ-つ よん
五 ゴ いつ いつ-つ
六 ロク む む-つ むっ-つ むい
七 シチ なな なな-つ なの
八 ハチ や や-つ やっ-つ よう
九 キュウ ク ここの ここの-つ
十 ジュウ ジッ とお と
use utf8;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
return unless $wday == 0 || $wday == 6;
KAARE was already a co-maintainer of MooseX::Singleton: skipping
KAARE was already a co-maintainer of MooseX::Singleton::Meta::Class: skipping
KAARE was already a co-maintainer of MooseX::Singleton::Meta::Instance: skipping
KAARE was already a co-maintainer of MooseX::Singleton::Meta::Method::Constructor: skipping
KAARE was already a co-maintainer of MooseX::Singleton::Object: skipping
$ echo 'select key, value from deckVars where length(value) < 100 order by key;' | sqlite3 $ANKI_DECK
[3441/25] [118/118 61/61]>topkill
Players with Most Kills in a Reset
This list takes about 45 seconds to regenerate.
Kills Tot Kills Guild Name
( 1) 8112 102450 Thief Venganza
( 2) 4545 182401 Warrior Apex
( 3) 4242 104277 Thief Xio
( 4) 3397 19923 Warrior Wolverine
sartak / gist:1850260
Created February 17, 2012 03:14
Percent answers correct vs number of cards with a word
1: 87.75%
閉店: 73.33%
駄馬: 80.00%
敢行: 81.82%
坐る: 84.62%
落書: 84.62%
格納: 85.71%
近辺: 85.71%
一息: 85.71%
国王: 87.50%
sartak / gist:2047607
Created March 15, 2012 23:17
iTerm >

In ...

  • When I ⌘-tab to another window then ⌘-tab back to, I get an arbitrary terminal back. I want to go back to the terminal I was just in!
  • I can't use ⌘` to cycle between all of my terminal windows. I have to use ⌘1, ⌘2, etc to go to the first, second, etc. window. I would like iTerm to have shortcuts like this, but I need ⌘` more than I need ⌘2.
  • The fullscreen behavior sucks, especially with how fullscreening breaks out of Spaces. This is Lion's fault, but iTerm provides a second fullscreen implementation that works exactly the way I want it to.
  • Entering or leaving fullscreen displays a stupid animation. Again, Lion's fault, but iTerm's alternate fullscreen doesn't do this. (I should specifically note iTerm supports Lion's fullscreen implementation if you like that)
  • Even if the current terminal is fullscreen, I want the next one I create with ⌘N to be a window.
  • Scrolling up or down using the trackpad doesn't interact the right way with any pty programs like screen o

Our git flowish workflow demands that branches descend from master and merge into release. But because I often have release checked out I sometimes accidentally branch from release instead of master. This only rears its head when I merge the topic back to release and notice that it's a fast-forward merge.

So I have a topic that looks like this:

master . . . . . . . . release
                           \ . . . topic

but I need to fix it to look like this

master . . . . . . . . release

sartak / gist:2406822
Created April 17, 2012 15:30 — forked from hatched/gist:2406817
PopupCalendarGroup syntax
var jobCalendars = new Y.PopupCalendarGroup({
start: '.form_job_date_start',
end: '.form_job_end_date'
var positionCalendars = new Y.PopupCalendarGroup({
start: '.form_job_date_start',
end: '.form_job_end_date'