In ...
- When I ⌘-tab to another window then ⌘-tab back to, I get an arbitrary terminal back. I want to go back to the terminal I was just in!
- I can't use ⌘` to cycle between all of my terminal windows. I have to use ⌘1, ⌘2, etc to go to the first, second, etc. window. I would like iTerm to have shortcuts like this, but I need ⌘` more than I need ⌘2.
- The fullscreen behavior sucks, especially with how fullscreening breaks out of Spaces. This is Lion's fault, but iTerm provides a second fullscreen implementation that works exactly the way I want it to.
- Entering or leaving fullscreen displays a stupid animation. Again, Lion's fault, but iTerm's alternate fullscreen doesn't do this. (I should specifically note iTerm supports Lion's fullscreen implementation if you like that)
- Even if the current terminal is fullscreen, I want the next one I create with ⌘N to be a window.
- Scrolling up or down using the trackpad doesn't interact the right way with any pty programs like screen o