- Convert multipage PDF into single page PNG files with GhostScript
gs -o /path/to/output_page_%03d.png -sDEVICE=png16m -r150 /path/to/input.pdf
- Convert multiple single-page PDF files into one multi-page PDF file
#!/bin/bash | |
################################################################################################################# | |
# This script assumes, JSS is using default read and write usernames: jamf, jamfadmin | |
# This script also assumes that local administrator account used on the mac is named: administrator | |
################################################################################################################# | |
#Ask user to point to the share folder, browse to it via "cd" | |
FOLDER_TO_PROCESS=$(/usr/bin/osascript << EOD | |
tell application "System Events" |
#!/bin/bash | |
# server connection information | |
URL="https://talkingmoose.jamfcloud.com" | |
userName="API-Editor" | |
password="P@55w0rd" | |
httpErrorCodes="200 Request successful | |
201 Request to create or update object successful | |
400 Bad request |
gs -o /path/to/output_page_%03d.png -sDEVICE=png16m -r150 /path/to/input.pdf
#!/bin/zsh | |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Written by:William Smith | |
Partner Program Manager | |
Jamf | |
[email protected] | |
https://gist.github.com/6b78ba3fc4a6623dbc8225e2df38d570 |
1. Setup ODBC on your Mac (including Apple Silicon)
Install brew
package from brew
works for Apple Silicon
1. Setup ODBC on your Mac (including Apple Silicon)
Install brew
package from brew
works for Apple Silicon
Install a working (and compiled) version of virt-viewer. You may view the homebrew package's upstream source on GitHub.
brew tap jeffreywildman/homebrew-virt-manager
brew install virt-viewer
Once that's installed should be able make a call remote-viewer
with a pve-spice.vv file downloaded from proxmox web interface