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scott carver scztt

  • Berlin
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scztt / sample
Created October 8, 2012 01:23
sample gist
This is a test gist.
scztt / gist:da81d2531f77fefa5c0d
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
Test Quarks.load and functions
var root = "/a/b/c";
var testSpec = {
|a, b|
a = Quarks.parseQuarkSpecifier(a, root);
"%: % == %".format(a == b, a, b).postln;
var testSaved = {
|a, b|
a = Quarks.savedQuarkSpecifier(a, root);
{ {
|quarkName, path|
var quark, tags, deps, expectedMatches, depData;
quark = Quark(quarkName);
tags = quark.tags ++ ["HEAD"]; {
scztt /
Last active September 10, 2015 16:44
// Settings
~recordPath = "~/Desktop".standardizePath;
~recordName = "sc_capture"; // e.g. recordings will be named "sc_capture [...].aiff"
~preroll = 0.5; // seconds to capture before sound starts
~bufferLength = s.sampleRate * 60;
// Threshold settings
// These can be changed while recorder is running, to refine threshold values
Ndef(\threshold).source = -24; // Record threshold, in dB
Ndef(\durThreshold).source = 0.2; // Minimum amount of time above \threshold for it to trigger
Deferred {
var value, error, resolved=\unresolved, waitingThreads;
*new {
init {
waitingThreads = Array(2);
~menu = Menu(
Action("A", { "a selected".postln }),
Action("B", { "b selected".postln }),
Action("C", { "c selected".postln }),
~menu.front; // can be re-invoked after menu is closed
+SynthDef {
specs {
metadata ?? { metadata = () };
metadata[\specs] ?? { metadata[\specs] = () };
+SynthDesc {
specs {
QuNeo {
var midiIn, midiOut,
<>pads, connections;
*new {
| midiOut, midiIn |
MIDIClient.initialized.not.if({ MIDIClient.init });
q = QuNeo().connect();
SynthDef(\buzz, {
var sig, env, pressure, freqs, lpfFreq, gate;
gate = \; // wait 2 secs before releasing
pressure = \, 1);
pressure =, gate);
// Twister devices are expected to be named in this form:
// classvar <endpointDevice="Midi Fighter Twister %", <endpointName="Midi Fighter Twister";
// Where "Midi Fighter Twister 1" is TwisterDevice(\default) and "Midi Fighter Twister 2" is TwisterDevice(\secondary)
// A twister device. These are singletons - there is only ever one registered per device. It works ala Ndef, Pdef, etc, see Singleton help file.
~device = TwisterDevice(\default);
// If your MIDI Fighter is named something other than the above, you can register it via:
this.registerDevice(\myDevice, "endpoint device", "endpoint name");
// And then access it via TwisterDevice(\myDevice)