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Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 seanpm2001

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seanpm2001 /
Created December 4, 2024 00:13 — forked from FedericoPonzi/
Line 2238 Unix V6 Comment: You are not expected to understand this.

Here is the famous line 2238 of Unix V6 which is part of some of the most delicate parts of the kernel, context switching.

This comment received huge publicity and just may be the the most famous source code comment in computing history.

2230	/*
2231	 * If the new process paused because it was
2232	 * swapped out, set the stack level to the last call
3333	 * to savu(u_ssav).  This means that the return
2235	 * actually returns from the last routine which did

2236 * the savu.

seanpm2001 /
Last active August 9, 2021 05:22 — forked from jclosure/wget_site_ripper
rip an entire website with wget

How to download an entire website using Wget

wget is a nice tool for downloading resources from the internet. The basic usage is wget <url>:

seanpm2001 /
Created May 6, 2021 00:41 — forked from typokign/
Zoom Sucks

Zoom Sucks

  • Zoom abuses the installer flow on MacOS to bypass permissions dialogs (source)
  • Zoom sends identifying device info to Facebook, even when users don't have a Facebook account (source) (fixed)
  • A bug in Zoom sent identifying information (including email addresses and profile pictures) of thousands of users to strangers (source)
  • Zoom claims that meetings are end-to-end encrypted in their white paper and marketing materials, but meetings are only encrypted in transit, and are available in plaintext to Zoom servers and employees. (source)
  • zoomAutenticationTool can be used to escalat
seanpm2001 /
Created May 5, 2021 22:46 — forked from citrusui/
"Dropdowns" in Markdown
How do I dropdown?
This is how you dropdown.

<summary>How do I dropdown?</summary>
This is how you dropdown.