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Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 seanpm2001

View GitHub Profile
seanpm2001 /
Last active March 3, 2022 05:15
A Gist to better navigate my GitHub profile

Seanpm2001 GitHub Profile Navigation Gist

V21 update warning:

Many new entries have been added, but none of them have been tested prior to publishing. Please report issues here please note that entries such as blockly scratch and talkscript are currently just placeholders, and are not functional.

seanpm2001 /
Created September 18, 2020 04:45
This is a separate chapter from my main SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist that shows my info on stock photography.


Stock Photography chapter

This is the new version of the Stock Photography chapter from the original Gist.

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seanpm2001 /
Created September 18, 2020 04:38
This is a separate chapter from my main SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist that shows my medical info.


Medical chapter

This is the new version of the Medical chapter from the original Gist.

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seanpm2001 /
Created August 11, 2020 19:04
This is a separate chapter from my main SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist that showcases my personal resume.


My resume chapter

This is the new version of the My resume chapter from the original Gist.

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seanpm2001 /
Created August 5, 2020 22:39
This is a separate chapter from my main SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist that showcases my experience with photography and image editing.


Psychology chapter

This is the new version of the Psychology chapter from the original Gist.

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seanpm2001 /
Created August 5, 2020 22:36
This is a separate chapter from my main SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist that showcases my experience with psychology.


Psychology chapter

This is the new version of the Psychology chapter from the original Gist.

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seanpm2001 /
Created August 5, 2020 22:35
This is a separate chapter from my main SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist that showcases my installations on various systems.


My installations chapter

This is the new version of the My installations chapter from the original Gist.

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seanpm2001 /
Last active September 24, 2020 20:10
This is a separate chapter from my main SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist that showcases my public daily status during my time on GitHub.


Daily status chapter

This is the new version of the Daily status chapter from the original Gist.

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seanpm2001 /
Created August 4, 2020 22:35
This is a separate chapter from my main SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist that showcases my experience and enjoyment of virtualization.


Virtualization chapter

This is the new version of the Virtualization chapter from the original Gist.

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seanpm2001 /
Created August 4, 2020 22:32
This is a separate chapter from my main SeanPM_OnGitHub Gist that showcases my YouTube experience and early times on social media.


YouTube and early times on social media chapter

This is the new version of the YouTube and early times on social media chapter from the original Gist.

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