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- I am securitygab on github.
- I am kuroish (https://keybase.io/kuroish) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASBH2zXkyjoD3XHspHAfgT7bFZq2eoCEcA5-DHV2NV_Ccgo
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@import url("https://tropix126.github.io/BetterDiscordStuff/blockBetterDocs.css");@import url('https://raw.githack.com/codedotspectra/themes/master/mini-themes/settingsIcons.css');.attachButtonInner-1iyZ9F svg path,.guildInner-3DSoA4 a svg g,.messageGroupBlocked-3wrQQX,.welcomeMessage-3_Mcht{display:none}:root{--primary:#0066ff;--primaryT:rgba(0, 102, 255,.25);--primary2:#0047b3;--dark:#141418;--medium:#18191d;--light:#2e3038;--HomeButtonImg:url( |
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Created by @KuroiSH | |
##Getting the banlist.## | |
There are two banlists that you can choose from: the Name banlist and the IP banlist. | |
The Name banlist will ban a user with a specific name. To get this banlist, you would use as next: | |
_> Bukkit.getBanList(Banlist.Type.NAME) | |
_> Bukkit.getBanList(Banlist.Type.IP) |
Hey Tyler, basically to explain u how to refresh a scoreboard is todo this: | |
To update every second, you need create a new Runnable. Or you can update the scoreboard per line. | |
Explain code: | |
Update every second: | |
new BukkitRunnable() { | |
@Override | |
public void run() { |
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To claim this, I am signing this object:
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To claim this, I am signing this object:
Ik wilde een eenvoudige tutorial maken die jij kan begrijpen... | |
Hoe je de verschillende soorten aangepaste voertuigen aan je server kan toevoegen. | |
Dit is vooral bedoeld voor mensen zoals jijq Calvin, die zich willen verdiepen in de ontwikkeling van FiveM, | |
maar er nog nooit mee hebben gewerkt. | |
Er zullen 2 delen aan deze tutorial worden toegevoegd Calvin. Zoals ik al zei, | |
dit is heel eenvoudig en iedereen kan het doen, dus snap je iets niet dan doe je ook iets niet goed simpel is dat! | |
Ik raad aan om mijn voorbeeld te gebruiken, zodat jij niet zelf alle bestanden hoeft te maken: | |
Hier een template link: - https://forum.cfx.re/uploads/default/original/3X/1/3/135a190a363651d5c5c3b6c92bbff7bb89b8ee86.rar |
Version: Keybase Go 5.2.1 (windows) | |
Comment: https://keybase.io/download | |
xsFNBF5WfzwBEADelo5BqtfbDpTi6+C63InfkLRX8rt/R7sfGYR1+2i3aX9vP8TG | |
J7eiavooactS7bxl7fbZsJNTtM8GTillpELoXG9BdeEaCqxICHifNe3DC5OJNNFU | |
AmBuIOrwE4kITUfe1Q961xNyNoRgG6p5B1Cczkn//58dAnsH10+X4rjmp5pMdW+I | |
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hKfiGKUwCX+qlMuUosA23sFoj9P/Q8cXOcqatbJE9U5TzxHkHbJEI6SHyD/C0Fvm | |
fC5ntISs7w4dwHdb3BCLiXOdDy+IVT9/VGJyxpSrMcPTpaDsBlSwzjSGqudPm4xP |
######################################### | |
# Created by @kuroi_dotsh - KuroiSH # | |
# Website: https://dengisan.nl/ # | |
# E-mail: [email protected] # | |
######################################### | |
; | |
; The executable is stored in the final section, so that it does not need | |
; relocations (as we can simply load it over our own headers and pad with | |
; virtualsize to keep our module running). |