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Alfredo Serafini seralf

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# /etc/environment
PATH="...(other path):$JAVA_HOME:$JRE_HOME"
* actor wrapping access for browser socket
class BrowserSocket(
val s: WebSocketConnection,
val userId: Long,
val teamId: Long
) extends Actor {
seralf / hello.bat
Last active December 15, 2015 22:09
Recipes for scala scripting in shell/windows :-) from the official documentation:
@echo off
call scala -savecompiled %0 %*
goto :eof
* this is a scala script for Windows!
Console.println("Hello, world!")
argv.toList foreach Console.println
<connector implementation="org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
seralf /
Last active March 7, 2024 07:52
Simple shell script to split a single flac file using a cue file. The .flac file and .cue file must have the same name.
sudo apt-get install cuetools shntool flac
cuebreakpoints $1.cue | shnsplit -o flac $1.flac
seralf /
Last active December 16, 2015 12:08
Example command line to extract part of of a PDF file and save pages to a new PDF.
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=10 -sOutputFile=extractedFile.pdf originalFile.pdf
seralf / schema.xml
Last active July 10, 2016 14:07
Start Example for a simple deduplication scenario using Solr.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<schema name="simple" version="1.1">
<fieldtype name="string" class="solr.StrField" />
<fieldType name="uuid" class="solr.UUIDField" indexed="true" />
seralf /
Created June 9, 2013 11:40
merge several pdf in alphabetical order
# merge several pdf in alphabetical order
pdftk *.pdf cat output mergedFile.pdf
seralf /
Last active July 17, 2023 02:49
Start a local webserver into the current directory, for serving local static files. (This is useful when testing ajax locally on json, for example.)
# start an http webserver serving static files from the local directory, using python
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 7777 &
seralf / StanfordNERExample.scala
Last active June 6, 2018 22:39
A simple, introductory example, to play with Stanford Named Entity Recognition tool with the scala language. NOTE: the model used here is one of the provided model in the standard distribution.
package ner
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations
import java.util.ArrayList
import java.util.HashMap
import java.util.Map
import scala.xml.XML