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白いねこ shiroinekotfs

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chronitis /
Last active February 20, 2025 20:06
Updated Jupyter Kernels page

What is a kernel?

The kernel lets you run code in a particular programming language using one of the Jupyter tools, such as the Notebook, Jupyterlab or nteract. Installing additional kernels will let you run code in more languages using your existing jupyter installation.

Technically, the kernel is an application which speaks the Jupyter Messaging Protocol, to receive code input from the frontend and respond with the results.

Which kernels do I have installed?

In the Notebook or JupyterLab, the list of available kernels will be shown when trying to create a new notebook.

imneonizer /
Last active March 10, 2025 06:27
How to download from without account

How to download from

Update: is no longer working, Please use for limited free downloads and paid downloads.


  • This methods uses a 3rd party website:
  • I don't know chinese and after one day of searching for a method I finally found this. I don't know how safe this website is but it does the job.
  • Do it on your own responsibility. I have no idea about possible copyright (if there is such a thing in China) and other stuff regarding to this.
# Authenticate to Azure AD as an Application Administrator user
$username = "alice" # Username for authentication
$password = "asdf" # Password for authentication
# Convert password to a secure string
$securePass = ConvertTo-SecureString "$password" -AsPlainText -Force
# Create a credential object
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username, $securePass)
# Connect to Azure AD with the provided credentials
Connect-AzureAd -Credential $cred
QuanTrieuPCYT /
Created April 15, 2024 13:04
FPTU Kỳ Truyện - Đại học FPT: khi sinh viên gian lận và hack vào server trường

Đại học FPT: khi sinh viên gian lận và hack vào server trường

Lấy từ nguồn:

Trường Đại Học FPT (FU) số 8 Tôn Thất Thuyết - Cầu Giấy - Hà Nội (Toà nhà Detect - đối diện bến xe Mĩ Đình) Trong 3 năm nay, FU có thực hiện việc thi cử online bằng phần mềm chuyên dụng của trường, được nhà trường đặt hàng của Phan Trường Lâm (LamPT) có 2 phiên bản đều được code bằng C# .NET:
1- bản EOS Client dùng thi môn Business English (BE).
2- bản IT Client thi các môn Software Engineering: Java, C#, C/C+- Computer Network, Operating System (OS), Introduction to Database, ...