is an easy to use repository for all of your frontend javascript. I wrote that description about a year ago. As I dug into the idea, I abandonded it. Whie my intentions were good at the time, my technical plan was bad. I was planning on loading all of those scripts separately into the page. While they would be on a CDN, loading a bunch of script files separately is a bad practice - the more HTTP requests your page makes, the slower it's going to be. The best practice is to minify and concatenate all of your javascript so they can be served in one request. To avoid supporting bad web development practices, I abandoned DownJS
Today, however, there are numerous tools that can very easily solve this problem. Not only are the technical requirements of DownJS now very possible, but there have been many great examples of The Right Way to do package management. Now is the time for DownJS to take off.
On the technical side, DownJS would do a simple concatenatio